The Free and the Brave

Whatever happened to that (the free and the brave)? Whatever happened to the attitude that had Patrick Henry at the Virginia convention in 1775 say “give me liberty, or give me death”?

Whatever happened to the patriotic fervour and the uncanny commitment to face suffering and death that resulted in over two million young men volunteering for service in World War I, and five times that number volunteering to serve in World War II?

Whatever happened to the ability to conquer fear and ride on the excitement for adventure and potential for immeasurable success that drove hundreds of thousands of men and women into the wild, and dangerous, frontiers of the American West?

Whatever happened to the spirit that filled the souls of those that faced stark adversity, danger to life and limb, that lead over 50,000 hapless men and women (mostly men) into the jungles of Central America to build the Panama Canal? — ultimately killing over 5,000 of them as a result of accidents, all manner of diseases including malaria and dysentery?

What happened?

Yeah, this is about us, guys (me included!) Sure, women can be brave — any biological sexual orientation can activate the warrior archetype — but more commonly it is the gendered male that falls into this archetypal constellation.

Bravery — a compulsion to protect those he loves, have a critical and logical assessment of a difficult situation, and the force and power, at the very least a potential force and power, ready to inflict whatever necessary to protect partner and family, community and nation.

We, us men, have seemed to have lost much of that. Have we become a bunch of puss-balls?

Dr Mark McDonald, a prominent medical doctor with a speciality in psychiatry, doesn’t mince words when he says while describing the psychological state of men and women during this crises:

Read the Whole Article Here…

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tom finley
tom finley
3 years ago

They have turned the American man into useful eunuchs, sad statement but true. I am 70 and an old vet now, I have watched the attack on the men in our society for a long time. I guess it has worked to a large extent because we are still on our knees, we need to get up on our feet and meet our enemy face to face and send him to his deserving death.

Mae Bee
Mae Bee
3 years ago
Reply to  tom finley

I don’t know the answer to this one, either, Tom, but I’ve watched it, too, grieving as time has passed. I first noticed it when I was quite young, actually. My father worked very hard, sometimes 6 days a week (he was Navy vet WW2). My mother wasn’t demanding, but demeaning, critical, dismissive -- things like that. Dad was just too tired to fight it. I suspect many men are in the same situation, or were. The feminist movement only made it worse. I’ve worked hard not to treat people the way my mother did. This is now recognized as a pathological -- type narcissism, which is very damaging to anyone around these people, and in these times, especially men in their roles. Having been subject to the “treatment” myself, I’ve now become quite familiar with it. Recent studies have shown that at this time, the ratio of males to females with this trait, is now 50/50. Alarming. True narcissism is an early choice toward materialism and its manifestations which we see so much of now, over development of spirituality and the soul, a spiritual relationship with our Creator, whatever path is chosen for that. Exactly what I’ve watched evolve over my entire lifetime (almost 74). As much as I understand the urge to fight, it just seems to me that there is a lot more going on here…and, quite frankly I don’t know the solution…I do thank you for that desire in you, though. Please be kind to yourself! Respectfully, MB.

3 years ago

What happened to the sheeple that they dare not ask Biden what safety mechanisms have been put in place since the virus “escaped?” Not one word spoken by the President. Not one news article available.

Citizen Joe
Citizen Joe
3 years ago

What happened to the brave? Cameras. Everywhere. Adapt. Night time. Inclement weather. Rain. Snow. Make the electric go out. Gloves and masks. Masks are common now. Thank you Fauci. Do like the bad guys. Jack a car. Dump it at the far end of the parking lot when your done. Or, if you’re a true believer, do your business, and if you get caught, eat a bullet for the team. Just thinking out loud.

Mae Bee
Mae Bee
3 years ago
Reply to  Citizen Joe

Valid points.

enn ess
enn ess
3 years ago

In my pathetic view, the biggest contributors to what we are subjected to today comes from many angles.The progress into the technological world and all it encompasses. The time of plenty which leads to soft times, which leads to soft men, willing to become less aggressive than their inherent natures actually are, in the self protection of themselves and their progeny. One of the biggest contributors towards this is the public indoctrination system and the elimination of religion in the schools. By that I am referring to the exposure of religion in all its aspects and forms, Hinduism, Buddhism, Christian, Muslim, all inclusive.

Elder Son
Elder Son
3 years ago

Don’t do this! Don’t do that.


The Patriot Bowel Movement is its own worse enemy.

Oh. Right! And don’t forget it new and improved slogan!


Sincerely, the Feds.

craig dudley
3 years ago

i was in a gun store in wilkesboro a few years back owned and operated by a genuine nc redneck. he was speaking with a few of his customers asking if they thought the federalies were gonna allow us to keep our guns. at that point i was exiting and asked them whatever happened to ‘my cold dead hands’ to which i got vacant stares in reply. the coming contest will be a curious thing to see.