The Gathering Storm: An Overview

By J.R. Nyquist

Again and again, we repeat the same mistake. We make unwise bargains with murderous dictators. After all, they changed from bad guys into good guys. They have embraced capitalism and democratic reforms. They are no longer bad. Therefore, we engage with them. We trade with them. We invest in them. We become accessories after the fact, strengthening regimes that routinely murder their own citizens. Eventually, these same regimes point nuclear missiles at us and demand that whole countries be turned over to them.

We never seem to learn that extending a hand in friendship to a crocodile leads to the loss of an arm. “Like Caesar or Napoleon,” wrote Navrozov, “Hitler pursued his aim of world conquest extensively, seeking to add territory after territory to his possessions. Despite the … clear and present danger, democracies failed to prepare for war, and those within Nazi Germany’s reach collapsed when it came.” Writing on the cusp of Moscow’s 1991 August Coup, Navrozov presciently warned of Moscow’s “coming order.” At that time the Kremlin was engaged in deceptive liberalization. Changes were happening, to be sure; but as Russian journalist Yevgenia Albats explained in her book on the KGB, these changes were engineered “to dazzle the West.” In fact, Western businessmen and government leaders were fooled into believing that Russia had become a normal country – no longer totalitarian. And it really did seem so, for a time. Imagine the concessions the Kremlin won in those days: access to capital, technology, and more…

Appeasement of Russia and China is the Biden administration’s plan. When people are afraid and suffering, they will agree to anything. Feed others to the crocodile and save yourself. Comforting lies will be told to justify Washington’s new policy of retreat. Ukraine was corrupt anyway, so let Russia take it. Taiwan is not really a country, so let China have it. The thousands being arrested by the FBI deserve to be imprisoned without due process. After all, they are extremist Christian nationalists. If this is necessary to preserve the Republic, then so be it. But the Republic will be long gone...

The Republican opposition crows about their coming victory in the midterm elections. But will there be midterm elections? And if so, will those elections be “free and fair”? Even now, as conservatives are being investigated for a so-called “insurrection,” a season of rioting and violence has been organized by the communists. Antifa and the Marxist activists of BLM, who pulled down statues of our national heroes two summers ago, are now marching for the right of a mother to kill her unborn baby.

There has already been vandalism against churches and right-to-life organizations. Such property crimes are backed today by an outraged president and vice president. Both are beholden to the communist movement. Religion, of course, is one of communism’s chief enemies – along with motherhood. If you want to undermine a society, undermine motherhood. And what undermines motherhood more than mothers killing their own unborn babies?

According to Fox News, over 63 million abortions have occurred in the United States since Roe v. Wade made abortion legal in 1973. Here is slaughter on an unimaginable scale. Since antiquity the medical profession was predicated on “do no harm,” and was opposed to abortion. The degradation of medical ethics has serious implications. For over a year the medical profession has advised 800 million people to participate in a dangerous medical experiment (i.e., the so-called COVID “vaccines”).

Communist subversion is real. The subversion of our morality, our churches, our government, our schools – is real. Somebody organized it. Somebody campaigned for it. Somebody conspired to make it happen. Except for some odd member of Antifa, communists do not have a hammer and sickle tattooed on their foreheads. And they are not coming out of the closet to satisfy our curiosity. It is much easier for them if they pretend to be “liberals” or “progressives,” or even conservatives…

Read the entire essay here. Then watch the video.

Most people will not read the entire essay. To not read it is a mistake. We talk about petty things, like the J6, and Covid, Ukraine, the loss of our rights, the “incompetence” of our pResident. What we don’t understand, or even acknowledge, is the long-term strategy that has been in the works for 100 years. All of these other issues are distractions. We either refuse to see, or learn, or are incapable altogether of understanding what the long-term goals of the communists are.

Every single one of us that has gotten this far, knows something in their soul. They know that something is wrong, and the most profound darkness that humanity has ever faced is at hand. If you want to know what it is, read the essay.

About Hammers Thor
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Stan Sylvester
Stan Sylvester
2 years ago

I’m coming out of the closet. I didn’t read the whole article. I stopped reading when he mentioned Hitler and his failed attempt for world domination. How much public school history should any awake patriot believe? WW11 was a banker war, not a crazy Hitler war. The bankers fund both sides caring little who “wins.” Throw in the holohoax and you get a gift that keeps on giving for Israhell.

2 years ago
Reply to  Stan Sylvester

All wars are bankers wars!

Elder Son
Elder Son
2 years ago
Reply to  Stan Sylvester

Lebensraum and Septemberprogramm was real.

Hitler should have stayed home.

Stan Sylvester
Stan Sylvester
2 years ago
Reply to  Elder Son

???????????? I have no idea of what you are intending to say but thank you for responding.

tom finley
tom finley
2 years ago

They have trying to take down all Christain and conservative country’s, every country the CIA went into eventually fell to the communists. Now their full attention is on the fallen Republic, they have almost completed their goal, all that is left is to dis-arm the gun owners.

2 years ago

Yes communism, socialism is bad, really bad. My wife used to wake up at night with nightmares from her time in the DDR.
None the less the author, missed the boat when it comes to history. The west, English, (poles) and likely Russia started WWII, just like the Lithuanians are likely to start WWIII_in nearly the same spot for nearly the same reasons. When the bombs start falling, you can thank the English again and this time Obiden as well! Life is not so simple, that we are the good guys and xxxx are the bad guys!

tom finley
tom finley
2 years ago
Reply to  Lawnmore

I disagree on it is not that simple, it is just that simple the communists and the banking cartel are brothers in arms for global domination, period.

2 years ago
Reply to  tom finley

I agree with you there Tom.

tom finley
tom finley
2 years ago
Reply to  Bubba1

And I stand with you Bubba1.

2 years ago
Reply to  tom finley

Yes you are right, but to clarify, the bad guys aren’t always apparent, nor the good guys. The history books are distorted, written by the victors and the major news as well as the government distorts the truth! Hitler was not a good guy, but neither was any other major player.

More to the point, we are headed to another major war in Europe, that will likely spread here, likely with nuclear weapons. We can do nothing but weather the storm. TINVOWOOT get ready!

Gunny HiWay
Gunny HiWay
2 years ago
Reply to  Lawnmore

That is why Russia just made it clear that they will nuke LONDON first!

Stan Sylvester
Stan Sylvester
2 years ago
Reply to  Gunny HiWay

I don’t buy it. A good poker player never shows his hand. Putin wouldn’t announce it. All fear porn. They are reading a script. The real war mongers set up false flags and hide culpability.

tom finley
tom finley
2 years ago

Great article, after the fall of Berlin Gorbachev opened an environmental foundation in San Francisco, just another communist front. They were already well on their way to control of the American government, it is 99% complete now.

Elder Son
Elder Son
2 years ago
Reply to  tom finley

Gorbachev was a globalist! Who knew? And if it were not for Gorbachev, we would have never heard of…environmentalism! Drats that Gorbachev! He suborned the entire Western White World!

I better stop reading the comments otherwise the lame may rub off.

Gawd I am starting to hate my own White Race.

tom finley
tom finley
2 years ago
Reply to  Elder Son

You talk in riddles, do you even comprehend what YOU are saying.

2 years ago

As usual the neocon talking points from Nyquist. If he were anymore full of it he’d choke to death .

Elder Son
Elder Son
2 years ago

It’s ALWAYS someone else’s fault. Always. And so in this case, it’s Russia’s fault. And it’s China’s fault.

Frikkin White People. Let me guess. Russia and China turned the entire White West World into globohomo feminized homosexuals and multi-flavored gender bending… things. Right?

comment image

Hahahahahaa! Let me guess. Putin a Xi did it!

comment image

I’m getting at the point where I ask God for His… not mercy… but judgement on the West. In fact, here we are. And the Western World won’t repent. I’m pretty sure God made up the frog and boiling pot analogy. And of course, there is always to tolerant Church.

Gunny HiWay
Gunny HiWay
2 years ago

Russia is not the enemy.
Joe Biden and every LIBERAL/DEMOCRAT/PROGRESSIVE and RINO is the enemy.
When you get those FACTS straight, I may read the rest of your tripe.
Your “facts” are faulty and your interpretation of those faulty facts make this post worthless.
You are dismissed.
E-7 Ret.

2 years ago

Why are there so few articles across much of the internet as to who and how the lower economic class in America was taken down? That will likely yield insights as to what is presently ongoing throughout the U.S. Different strategies for each social and economic class were paramount, as well as the national propaganda that capitalism is tantamount to not having (or being partakers of) Communism, which is inherently false.

“Does anyone really think that rich people are somehow invulnerable to communist subversion? Why would they be any wiser than others? People who are busy making money are not usually equipped to understand something as complex as communism. ”

Likewise, people who are busy not making money, i.e., minimum wage are also subverted.

2 years ago
Reply to  Z-La

“Marx was wrong about communism. Where he was prophetically right was in his grasp of the revolution of capitalism. It’s not just capitalism’s endemic instability that he understood, though in this regard he was far more perceptive than most economists in his day and ours.”

“More profoundly, Marx understood how capitalism destroys its own social base -- the middle-class way of life. The Marxist terminology of bourgeois and proletarian has an archaic ring.'”

“But when he argued that capitalism would plunge the middle classes into something like the precarious existence of the hard-pressed workers of his time, Marx anticipated a change in the way we live that we’re only now struggling to cope with.’

“More and more people live from day to day, with little idea of what the future may bring. Middle-class people used to think their lives unfolded in an orderly progression. But it’s no longer possible to look at life as a succession of stages in which each is a step up from the last.”

“In the process of creative destruction the ladder has been kicked away and for increasing numbers of people a middle-class existence is no longer even an aspiration.”

‘The situation of many younger people is even worse. In order to acquire the skills you need, you’ll have to go into debt. Since at some point you’ll have to retrain you should try to save, but if you’re indebted from the start that’s the last thing you’ll be able to do. Whatever their age, the prospect facing most people today is a lifetime of insecurity.”

“Capitalism has led to a revolution but not the one that Marx expected. The fiery German thinker hated the bourgeois life and looked to communism to destroy it. And just as he predicted, the bourgeois world has been destroyed.”

“But it wasn’t communism that did the deed. It’s capitalism that has killed off the bourgeoisie.”

“A Point of View: The Revolution of Capitalism”

tom finley
tom finley
2 years ago
Reply to  Z-La

I think you are wrong about capitalism being the problem, the communists have been steadfastly destroying the capitalist system for a hundred years. By getting the ten planks of the communist manifesto into the system, they now have complete control. A progressive tax system, welfare, control of the schools and higher education all or most in the school systems are progressives or outright communists. Look at the medical institutions, the communists have taken that too. Capitalism is not perfect, but it provides everyone a chance to succeed with hard work and determination, that is frowned upon today.

2 years ago

I don’t think any of it really maters, America and by default the western world has fallen and deserves to perish horribly and with much suffering. Oh Lord, bring us your divine meteor.

Citzen Joe
Citzen Joe
2 years ago

Thousands of US troops flown into eastern Europe from the US in the last week. War is imminent. Better get what you need now. You should already have had it. Good luck.

2 years ago


Via Mike Yon Email…

Michael Yon just posted something!

Michael Yon @MichaelYon
Jun 29, 2022 at 9:22pm
Important to Watch — vital
Quiet the room from distraction. Focus on this.

This video contains direct evidence about Lara Logan’s claims of WEF attack on Russia. She’s clearly right. This is massively important.

I know this British General. We were in combat together. He knows me well.

We are going into hot war. Prepare for serious hardships.

I just left Mexico and fly to Europe tomorrow.

2 years ago

Anyone remember the Opium Wars conducted by Britain and the United States? Anyone remember US industrialist planting Lenin in Russia? Anyone remember Hoover’s loss of investments in Russia during the last Czar reign?
The books of Ezekiel, Isaiah, and Daniel warn us of this time.

Stan Sylvester
Stan Sylvester
2 years ago
Reply to  JeffM

Uh, those books were written to Isreal. The epistles are written to the born again believers. Any foretelling in the OT is for Israel in a future administration after the born again believers , [Romans 10: 9,10,] are taken up, [1Thessalonians 4: 13 -18.] Any OT prophesy is presently on hold.

2 years ago
Reply to  Stan Sylvester

My point is, does anyone see the handwriting on the wall? Believers will be persecuted by the seed of Satan prior to the tribulation.

2 years ago

Also, I find it interesting that racism in America surfaced around the same time that the Tea Party and Occupy Wall Street Movements took place.