The gifts that keep on losing N.C.

by Troy Williams

North Carolina Democrats at one time commanded a political powerhouse that dominated the General Assembly for more than a century. But now they are nothing more than disgruntled backbenchers. Will there be a Democratic Party resurgence in 2014?

Most political observers say it is unlikely, and I’m inclined to agree. Now, I believe some recent Republican legislative positions have been dumb. But the strategic responses of the Democrats have been dumber.

Some Democratic insiders say the party is falling apart, and that point has merit when a critical analysis of the facts is considered. Former state Sen. Eric Mansfield of Fayetteville sought the position of state party chairman, but he dropped out of the race. His supporters in response sought former Congressman Bob Etheridge to run, and he was nominated but narrowly lost to small-town mayor Randy Voller of Pittsboro.

Mansfield and Etheridge were better choices. Exactly why Voller was a favorite of local party activists is a mystery. He came into the job with questionable baggage from the beginning, owing $290,000 in back taxes and unpaid penalties to the state of North Carolina. Democratic strategist Gary Pearce called for his resignation from the outset for this reason alone.


h/t Randy D

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