The Globalist Reset Agenda Has Failed – Is Ukraine Plan B?

By Brandon Smith

There are people in the liberty movement that attribute FAR too much intelligence to the global power elites, to the point that they seem to think the globalists are always planning “ten steps ahead.” The funny thing about planning ten steps ahead though is that if anything goes wrong with steps 1-9 then getting to step number 10 will be impossible and you just wasted a whole lot of energy on an elaborate plan that ended up going nowhere. The globalists are NOT the smartest people around; not even close. They aren’t even all that effective when their plans actually function and there are no surprises. Their ideas fail constantly.

There is only one reason that centralizing criminals have not been brought down, and that is because no one has ever targeted them directly. Every time there is a governmental shake up or rebellion or mass movement for change people target “the system”; they blame the system for all our problems (or they blame a handful of political puppets) and they seek to add a fresh coat of paint or change some of its basic functions, but the men behind the curtain always end up back behind the curtain. The problem is never “the system”, it’s the people running and influencing the system while enjoying the comfort of the shadows.

Here is how the globalists seem to operate the best that I can tell – They aim a fist full of darts at a board and throw as hard as they can and whatever sticks is what sticks. When a plan does stick, well the globalists appear to be brilliant, don’t they? In reality they were just throwing around schemes blindfolded and half of those schemes landed in the gutter. The problem is that while the globalists are fumbling around in the dark searching for a plan that works they can do a lot of damage and draw a lot of attention.

Every once in a while it becomes obvious when they have invested an immense amount of time and planning into a single unique scheme, a fulcrum point that many of their other plans will rely on in the future. There is no doubt that the response to the covid outbreak was meant to bulldoze over numerous social and legal conventions and achieve full bore centralization before the vast majority of people even knew what hit them.


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3 years ago

His site is right ? It looks like it has been taken down, and the returns a blocked page.

tom finley
tom finley
3 years ago

Planning is invaluable, but plans can and do go awry, they never thought that this many people would resist. The fear and propaganda worked on those that bought into it. Now what? I think this is where they will have to resort to force, sooner than later.

strider 777
3 years ago

B. Smith is absolutely correct: our No. 1 enemy are the multi-billionaire globalists who control central governments throughout the West. Here is even more timely proof presented in this Paul Craig Robert’s article:

3 years ago

As long as the “globalists” and the commie scum are alive the reset agenda has not failed. It may suffer an occasional setback or delay but it WILL continue. The insanity of Ukraine is several things. It’s a distraction. It’s also a wealth generator for the powerful who get rich from war. It allows for ANOTHER “emergency” that can be used to assault our freedoms and it’s a potential method to cull the population a bit.

3 years ago
Reply to  Dan

you don’t vote or comply your way out of socialism