The Goal Is Happiness – Josie The Outlaw

Any thoughts on this change in Josie the Outlaw.

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9 years ago

The false positive

Positive thinking is not bad. What is bad, is when we falsely think positively. This is the state of the false positive, where we actually feel quite negative inside, but put on a positive face on the outside. We may appear happy, but we are not, and this is not good.

The social imperative

So why do we put on the mask of happiness when it’s not our style? Mostly, it is because other people expect us to do so, and we mostly do what other people expect of us rather than what we really feel like doing.

It is a not-so-strange fact that we like to be around happy people more than we like to be around miserable people, and we guess that others are the same. So we not only try to be happy for others, we also collude on social rules that say you must be happy.

Positivity is not happiness

A fallacy in the whole positive-thinking argument (or at least a common perception of it) is that positive thinking and happiness are pretty much the same thing. They are not.

Positive thinking is a discipline. It is a way of dwelling on good things and avoiding bad things that will hopefully lead to happiness. Many people think in this way, and there is certainly evidence that it can be true. A problem occurs when we believe it must always be true.

Happiness is an emotion. It is a primitive and pleasant sensation that we tend to seek, but which is not necessary for our lives. Indeed, some would say that discontent is necessary for change and evolution, and that if we were all ecstatically and permanently happy we would just sit under a tree and merrily wither away. It is no surprise that there are more negative emotions than positive ones, as these are evolved for survival.

Truth is happiness

9 years ago

“The doctrine of God’s sovereignty has very often appeared an exceeding pleasant, bright, and sweet doctrine to me; and absolute sovereignty is what I love to ascribe to God.”
“God himself is the great good which [the redeemed] are brought to the possession and enjoyment of by redemption. He is the highest good and the sum of all that good which purchased. God is the inheritance of the saints; he is the portion of their souls. God is their wealth and treasure, their food, their life, their dwelling place, their ornament and diadem, and their everlasting honor and glory.”

Jonathan Edwards

9 years ago

“Tolerance and apathy are the last virtues of a dying society,” -- -Voltaire.

9 years ago

I feel like I have just watched an updated movie script score from the 1962 Frank Sinatra version of the Manchurian Candidate.

9 years ago

Perhaps not. Once you resign that your fate is not in your own hands and that stewing in your hatred of the state just makes your relationships suffer, you can move on to enjoying life again while still fighting tyranny.

You cannot scream every moment, even Patrick Henry must have had his quiet time LOL.

I am sure she will explain herself eventually and if in fact she HAS somehow become a collectivist overnight what does it matter to my AO?