It is entirely possible that N. C. House Speaker Thom Tillis is the most unpopular politician in Eastern North Carolina right now. And it seems to be getting worse with each passing day.
For example, in Sunday’s (6-24-12) Beaufort County Now, publisher Stan Deatherage took Tillis to task over Tillis getting Congressman Walter B. Jones to endorse “Democrat-running-as-a-Republican” Arthur Williams for the House 6 seat. Stan had previously reported on a flap at the recent GOP State Convention over a flyer that was being handed out that questioned the meddling by state GOP officials/office holders in local GOP primaries. Tillis came out of that flap looking bad when it was reported that he bullied a highly regarded GOP activist on the convention floor. That buzz is not only still around, but appears to be growing as a negative groundswell toward Tillis and other state GOP leaders.
Tillis already had two strikes against him among many GOP leaders in Eastern North Carolina as a result of his pushing a budget through with increased ferry tolls and how his redistricting committee dealt with Bill Cook and other districts Down East in the redistricting process.
A number of delegates to the Third District Convention in May were primed to pin Tillis down as he was scheduled to deliver the keynote address at the Convention. He did not show and did not let anyone know well enough in advance to find a suitable replacement. Similarly, Walter B. Jones did not even attend the Third District Convention, allowing his challenger Frank Palombo to steal the show. At that meeting the Chairman of the Beaufort County GOP Executive Committee gave a report from that group that had adopted a formal protest of Raleigh leaders meddling in local GOP primaries. The report got a resounding applause and reception with numerous other delegations requesting copies. But because the report was too late to be submitted as a formal resolution there was no vote on it taken.
Meanwhile, the firestorm spread. The Observer has learned that at least six other county executive committees have discussed the issue and a number of TEA Party groups have also taken up the issue.
On June 22, 2012, Brant Clifton revealed on his Daily Haymaker blog who was behind the convention flyer. Clifton also posted a report that documented that it was Tillis who was behind Walter Jones’ endorsement of Democrat-running-as-a-Republican Arthur Williams. This was confirmed by Jones’ campaign manager, Jonathan Brooks.
On June 20, Linda Harper wrote another state GOP leader, House Majority Leader Skip Stam, and “uninvited” him to speak to a Constitution Seminar meeting on July 21. The sponsor of the seminar is the conservative Citizens for Constitutional Liberties, which is the Wayne County TEA Party group.