The GOVT’S Giving Farmers the MIDDLE FINGER!

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The Duke of New York
The Duke of New York
2 years ago

The governments around the western world have been screwing farmers, especially family and natural farms, for decades. They regulate what you can grow, how you can grow and sell it, they are in bed with Monsanto and Bayer and the rest who push dead field agriculture so that only their GMO seed will grow with the poison they demand you buy, they own the seed patents and sell seeds that grow plants that will not yield their own seed, so you have to buy from them again and again.
Basically sharecropping, which is basically slavery.
They push “re-wilding” lands when people are starving. They let monsters like Bill Gates become the largest private owner of farm land (I’m sure he has good intentions, right, just like he does with vaccines)
F them and their control over modern agriculture. Get back to natural farming. Look at what Masanobu Fukuoka was able to do in Janpan without fertilizer ( and what Gabe Brown is doing here and now (

Last edited 2 years ago by The Duke of New York
Tired of BS
Tired of BS
2 years ago

This man is spot on. He missed a few key points but what the heck. Folks had better grab their butts because what he said is coming true.
I live in farm country. The government basically owns the farmer, lock stock and property. We may have deeds to the property, but we all know what that is worth in the end.

Echo Hotel
Echo Hotel
2 years ago

It would seem that government is giving everyone the middle finger.

2 years ago

So what is new here ? The government has been giving the farmers of all kinds the middle finger for years

enn ess
enn ess
2 years ago

I have read a short time ago, the price of a tote (1000 liters) of Urea last year was $1,000, this year is was going for (gulp) $14,000. But he is mistaken about the corn used for ethanol, E85 produces more power than regular 87 or 92 octane pump gas or 100 octane racing gas, and burns cleaner. Mileage not included in the figures. The key is in the blending as E85 is formulated with more oxygen molecules. Corn is also used to make somewhere in the vicinity of around 4,000 different products. A huge number of which are not food related.
But he is correct across the board on everything else. We are in for a decade of hurt no matter who cheats the best come elek-shun time. When farmers can’t afford fuel, or can’t find fuel or fertilizer, production held up by fertilizer goes way down, fuel reduces the amount of acres planted, reduced the necessary transport of what is available,
Cities and most grocery have a supply of 3 days of food. Gas stations the same or in lightly populated areas 4-5 days. We are not at the point of waking up at the point of -- Ooops, -- to late.
Welcome to the “World Made By Hand”.