Just as they told us about their impending pandemic, they told us their next project for global conquest would be the Great Famine. The unrest going on for a week in Peru is not being widely reported. The unrest in the Middle East and Africa is also not being reported.
Censoring the news and promoting propaganda have successfully overthrown the government of the United States. How much longer we will endure tyranny is not known but we can be assured that civil unrest will be in our cities in the near future. The American Spring will be very hot.
David DeGerolamo
It looks like it is time to gear up, stay alert it is already happening here. Sporadic shortages are happening it will not take much for people to take to the streets here. They may not like what they get here, I pray we can stand with courage and restore the Republic.
What republic?
We The People are led around by corrupt insane asylum escapees. The nation is ruled by Kommiefornia and the Manhattan/DC strip of seacoast.
A republic consists of representative government, i.e. they represent all of us. They do not. They represent themselves, and their peeps in the cloud cities.
I know we do not have a Republic anymore, we are a satellite country of the CCP.
Ahhhh, yes there it is!
Reason 3,753,961 I will never give up my guns while alive.
Shoot those fuckers right in the face.
well, all they had to do is pick up the phone to (Invisible at present) Black Lives Matter or (defunct) Antifa and they could of had this same presentation right here in American streets anytime they ( Dems/NWO) wanted.
Don’t make it complicated or anything you know……
“…How much longer we will endure tyranny is not known…”
We The People will endure tyranny indefinitely, no matter how bad it’s been, no matter how bad it is, no matter how bad it becomes. If the outrageous government actions to date have not resulted our rebellion, nothing will. We have the 2nd Amendment to enable us to rebel but we haven’t used it, we aren’t using it, and we won’t use it. We will stay in our homes, we’ll cling to our guns, we’ll spout off in the shrunken public forum, and we won’t rebel. We are sheep. We may be informed sheep, we may be armed sheep, but we are still sheep. If we won’t use the 2A for its intended purpose, then the 2A has no purpose. It might as well not exist.
The shit will continue and escalate until it affects -- YOU -- Then, dependent upon your state of mind at the time, YOU will succumb to tyranny, or fight. If you fight, your life is over. If you succumb, your life is over. Either way -- you lose. They planned it that way.
When my life is over I will surely try like hell to see that some of their lives are over first