The Great Taking

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4 months ago

Carpet bagging bastards. The only thing worse are people who trade in aborted baby parts.

4 months ago
Reply to  Patriot_One

(((carpet))) (((bagging))) (((bastards))) FIFY.
just like after the War of Northern Aggression.

4 months ago

It’s not that unusual. I got a least 2 letters of that nature during the course of my mortgage. Banks sell assets now and then. IF she will still be able to make her house payment, her house was not washed away or flood damaged with no flood insurance, she will not lose her house.

Mary Combs
Mary Combs
4 months ago
Reply to  Steiner

‘She won’t lose her home’. That’s not necessarily true. In 2008, there was a lot of people lost their properties because they were not in compliance with the requirements in their mortgages to maintain homeowners insurance.Homeowners insurance comes with a lot of conditions -- such as roads sufficient to enable emergency vehicles. Many of these areas simply won’t have roads for months if ever. The alarm bells are going off over fire risk. No rain for the past three weeks, huge piles of wood and debris on the riverbanks -- and huge swaths of trees killed by landslides. I’m sure insurance companies will smell the coffee and withdraw or not renew coverage. There are probably a dozen different, ‘perfectly legal’ ways to make it impossible for people to keep their houses. Also, what do you want to bet any compensation will be in $$$ that may soon be near worthless.

4 months ago
Reply to  Mary Combs

(((Blackrock))) will sweep right in to acquire properties at 5¢ on the dollar.

Mary Combs
Mary Combs
4 months ago

There is a lot of waking up still to do. I’ve just been following threads regarding farmland and the rules and regs being used to pry small farmers off the land. It’s a vast and complex web.

If I’m reading this thread correctly, the areas affected by the flooding can get designated under the wetlands program as floodplain=wetland and then the lands can be taken by eminent domain without compensation. Federal funds cannot be used to rebuild infrastructure (eg roads, bridges, etc). Some of these ‘rules’ were passed just days before Helene struck. This seems all connected with ‘rewilding’ and the agenda 2030 map showing corridors where humans won’t be allowed. The sheer scale of the use of tiny bits of rules and regulations to achieve the ‘Great Taking’ is breathtaking. Hopefully Trump can do a lot of top down dismantling but citizens and local groups will need to find and uproot all the rules and regulations that have been flown in below the radar.

Joe Blow
Joe Blow
4 months ago
Reply to  Mary Combs

Got lead? Copper jacketed variety is best!

4 months ago
Reply to  Mary Combs

Imagine this….they “rewild” Appalachia, the normies will move out, the hillbillies will remain because “fuck the government”. When TPTB go in to try and move these people out….EPIC PAY PER VIEW opportunity! Can you imagine the FEDS going up against feral mountain folk?!!!

4 months ago
Reply to  Mary Combs

You are exactly right. Insurance regs is the trap.
In 1999 alone, they ‘clearkill’ poisoned 28 lakes in CA/OR (100% mortality, everything in the lake) claiming northern pike were a problem. The lakefront properties were now worthless, insurance would not be renewed. The state confiscated the properties for pennies.
They burned down Los Alamos forestry (to hide Clinton collusion at the Sandia nuclear labs with China); uninsurable, those properties were bought up at 3 cents on the dollar.
The massive forest fires in northern CA, such as the Paradise fire? Same results. Uninsurable. That happens to be Gold Region #5, coincidentally.
The insurance companies aren’t even writing homeowners policies in California anymore. You have to buy a very expensive policy from the state, the FAIR policy.

a follower, working on it.
a follower, working on it.
4 months ago

Perhaps people should call vangaurd if so motivated. They have been in business for some time.
Would also advise stop leaping to conclusions. Remember the great chicken food scare?

ozark homesteader
ozark homesteader
4 months ago

Mortgages change hands all the time. And I don’t blame that woman a bit for her concerns.

4 months ago

I just hope that the vast troves of liberals living in the area are finally waking up to just how much of a horror government INHERENTLY IS, and especially this one, and are rethinking their support of Harris and government in general. Yeah…right….

4 months ago

I have had my mortgage sold two times in my lifetime and it doesn’t become a problem as long as you continue to make your mortgage payment on time. but , I understand the concern of the homeowner as to her receiving a change notice so fast, this is unseemly to me, especially when Vanguard or Blackstone is involved, two corrupted Companies in bed with the government and the democrat party big time.

Last edited 4 months ago by Phil1350
4 months ago

ATTN: David …..only way I know to get this to you

Diva of Dance
Diva of Dance
4 months ago

Getting a letter like that at this time would be extremely disconcerting. I feel for her. It would have been good to know if she lives in the small mountain communities or within Asheville city limits or growth boundaries. Seems that would make the difference between a land grab and the typical selling off of blocks of real estate

Greg H.
Greg H.
4 months ago

A constructive question everyone should ask is WHY did it come to this terrible point in time, how did we end up here at this most fraudulent criminal state of affairs of “The Great Taking”? Because the recognition of the underlying cause(s) would be instructive in terms of HOW we should tackle it to potentially manifest real change.
We got here because of what “advanced” humans are afflicted with, a malignant disease — “The Human Soullessness Spectrum Disorder” …
But then…
“The masses have never thirsted after truth. They turn aside from evidence that is not to their taste, preferring to deify error, if error seduces them. Whoever can supply them with illusions is easily their master; whoever attempts to destroy their illusions is always their victim.” — Gustave Le Bon, in 1895
“Imagine a vaccine so safe you have to be threatened to take it.” — from a poster
If you have been injected with Covid jabs/bioweapons and are concerned, then verify what batch number you were injected with at
“Our current ‘state’ is the dictatorship of evil. We know that already, I hear you object, and we don’t need you to reproach us for it yet again. But, I ask you, if you know that, then why don’t you act? Why do you tolerate these rulers gradually robbing you, in public and in private, of one right after another, until one day nothing, absolutely nothing, remains but the machinery of the state, under the command of criminals and drunkards?” — from a White Rose Pamphlet, the ‘White Rose’ was a German resistance group fighting Hitler’s Nazi regime
“There are large numbers of scientists, doctors, and presstitutes who will sell out truth for money, such as those who describe people dropping dead on a daily basis as “rare” when it it happening all over the vaccinated world.” — Paul Craig Roberts, Ph.D., American economist & former US regime official, in 2024 
“Repeating what others say and think is not being awake. Humans have been sold many lies…God, Jesus, Democracy, Money, Education, etc. If you haven’t explored your beliefs about life, then you are not awake.” — E.J. Doyle, songwriter

4 months ago

[…] The Great Taking […]

Latigo Morgan
Latigo Morgan
4 months ago

Getting sold to Mr. Cooper is like getting sold to any other bank.
It’s when they sell it to a shyster outfit like Selene Finance or Sharepoint, which are debt collection outfits and will do everything they can to either lock you into a rotten refinance, or in the case of Selene, just get you into foreclosure, that you need to be worried.