The Great Unlearning: How Our Society Became so Stupid

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9 years ago

stupid is, stupid does. this we can blame on our elected leaders who have completley aniliated the education system in this nation. The federal government giving us the department of education without the approval of the American people was concise and clear victory for the Marxist Bolsheviks in the nation, and they used a Republican rino idiot by the name of Nixon to do there dirty bidding, another republican sell out at the the time. Nixon gave us the worse nightmare when he involved the federal government in the affairs of teaching our children with insane mentally ill liberal rules.

Pam Knowles
Pam Knowles
9 years ago

Excellent content. I witnessed the dumbing down of students in my 30 year career in education. I also witnessed the lack of parental involvement during my lifetime. So sad. My father worked for NASA at Cape Canaveral during the space exploration years before President Johnson.

Bright Feather (@CSAHistorian)

Anything the DC “Govt” touches, fails miserably ! Besides NONE of what they are controlling are they Constitutionally allowed to touch ! DC does not have those powers -- the States and pepole do !

“Leave NO authority existing that is not responsible
to the people.” -- Thomas Jefferson

[If the govt becomes its own power and is no longer under the authority of the people, it is to be totally made non-existent ! TOTALLY Destroyed ! ]

9 years ago

your comment is right on, the word totally destroyed can only be achieved by a great resistance and civil war. All of our leaders who supported the invading illegal alien horde armies which they approved of thru dereliction of duty and the co-mingling with the head sodomite in the house of sodomy to enter our nation illegally to destroy us. This also will include the Liberal marixst WHORES in our bastardized judiciary must be hanged for there heinous crimes against the state. this in my eyes is the only way now, the nation must be cleansed from these lunatics running everything from the government, schools, Corporations, military, etc., if not it will be lights out for all of us.