The Hill To Die On

Four years ago I said that the 2016 election would be the last American presidential election in history. Every one after that would be a political fight, a gloves-off battle in the streets. The Democrats have proven they are  willing to cheat and intimidate or assault Trump voters. They will use everything they can: mail-in voting and Antifa and Black Lives Matter at polling stations, whatever it takes to win.

But, this was all subterranean, a  growing knowledge amongst ourselves, but not much further. The vehemence with which the left expressed their opinion of the outcome of the 2016 election brought it out into the light. Antifa began to show up at right-leaning rallies and gatherings claiming that fascists were running rampant in the streets and, like good communists, they were blaming others for what they were doing, they were right, but they were the fascists. Conservative speakers were booed off stages at Universities and at other venues open to the public. The message being that conservatives were not allowed to speak, because they were fascists. Forget that the reasoning itself is fascist.

The real subterranean movement had been taking place for one hundred years, some say as far back as Lincoln. The primacy of the state was rising up, first federally, then states and all the way down to the city councils. They passed laws as quickly as they could, codifying that stronghold with teachers unions, then public sector unions that could be controlled by Democrat politicians. It was the communist playbook: convince people they are aggrieved, use that grievance (real or imagined) to bond them together for solidarity, reach out to other aggrieved groups and bring them together under the same protection and then unleash them on the peaceful people who just want to be left alone and those who just want to be left alone will buckle under the concerted pressure of the aggrieved groups. That’s how it’s done, time and time again.

That’s where we are. Going forward, the problem they have is that the politicians were supposed to have achieved gun control nationwide by now. Anyone who has studied the battle of Midway will understand the importance of timing. Even though the American forces were out of synch, they happened to show up at just the right time to catch the Japanese forces with bombs on their planes when they needed torpedoes.

Despite the fact that the communist forces, Antifa, BLM and Revcom (ABR) are out of synch, they just need to catch the American public at the right time with the wrong weapons, at the wrong place, doing the wrong things and they will be able to sweep in and devastate the resistance. For how long, who knows? Midway didn’t win the war, but it severely crippled the Japanese Navy allowing ultimately the skies to be open enough to get the Enola Gay through. 

The job, therefore, is to not give them an initial victory at all, but to be in the right frame of mind, with the right weapons, doing the right things from the get-go and as this article from the Washington Post lays out, the get-go will be the 2020 election. It is as close to a pre-launch briefing as I have ever seen. For everyone, right down to local news outlets. It might as well be retitled as “What do to when the revolution starts.” 

Read the Whole Article Here…

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