The Honey Badger Virus

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Chris Martenson has labelled the SARS-COV-2 virus as “the Honey Badger virus” because nothing can stop it. But do not tell Donald Trump. He believes the virus can be eradicated by giving tax breaks to the people and small businesses. As the market responds accordingly (up) to a concept that has no basis in any proposed legislation, the honey badger virus total of infected has increased over 3500 (10:00 AM) since his press conference.

David DeGerolamo

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Alfred Barnes
5 years ago

While it’s too early for an all clear, with only 15% of cases being severe, the case fatality rate may be wildly overstated, and this really is less than the common flu, except for the 15%, probably on the order of influenza A or B.

5 years ago
Reply to  DRenegade

It all depends on testing. Test and tell. Fed gov controls all testing now, turn it loose, let all testing and reporting be local. Then transparency and personal responsibility can kick in.

Liberally Disgusted
Liberally Disgusted
5 years ago

I don’t agree that Trump was saying the virus can be eradicated by tax breaks. I agree with him that providing some type of program that will allow hourly workers to feel like they can stay home and still be able to pay their bills will keep more sick people from going to work and spreading it to others. The rest is common sense and people need to take responsibility for their own actions. It’s my call whether I want to go to church, the store, etc…

Do you see trying to keep our economy going to some degree during this mess as a bad thing? I gather you’re not a Trump supporter, but I honestly don’t know what governments can do short of stopping all travel. (I personally have no problem with shutting down international travel for a period of time.) If you look at the majority of cases in NC, most of those people traveled to a convention in Boston and came home sick. The first one had traveled to Washington and visited the nursing home that has been infected. So do we stop all travel? It’s a very tough call.

I don’t believe we have a clue as to the real death rate brought on by this virus. We know who is more vulnerable, but we don’t know how many people have actually had it as some cases are so mild that they think they have a cold and are never tested. So I think the death rate is lower than what we believe. As a higher risk person, I don’t like the fact that I don’t know when someone is sick (and neither do they). But as a Christian, I believe that God knows which day He will take me home and I will go on that day be it from the Wuhan Virus or something else.

I refuse to be one of those people that says that our President does nothing right in this. While the left is trying to instigate mass panic in an attempt to take him down, someone has to come out and try to instill calm. He didn’t minimize it nor did the medical team behind him, but we will, God willing, get through this.

He did more than a lot would have done and was trying to do more earlier, but the Dems wouldn’t take a break from their “impeachment” debacle. Then they held up the vote on funding for a week so they could run negative ads against Republicans. The left has wished for a recession for some time now -- they’re going to milk this for all it’s worth. For all the reasons above, I found your commentary today unfair.

5 years ago
Reply to  DRenegade

You beat me to it. I was going to mention the “Especially the balancing act between 1. addressing the pandemic 2. maintaining the economy 3. keeping the hospitals working.” I agree that he has been focusing on the economy, which I both find disappointing and telling as to what his priorities are. However, I am not surprised by it.

I also think it is the wrong choice. While avoiding economic collapse should be part of the goal, focusing on keeping people from getting sick and keeping the healthcare system from collapsing will both go a long way towards the third objective. Focusing on the economy will likely come at the expense of the other objectives.

Rabbi Will McCubbins
Rabbi Will McCubbins
5 years ago

Simple rule to live by.. leftist media hysteria usually equals a hoax or purposeful distraction. So what else do “they” want to keep us from looking at?