The Indomitable Spirit of An Armed Citizenry

christian mercenary

by T.L. Davis

It is painful to watch the last spasms of America playing out as clearly as if reading it from history. America is not just a place, it is a set of ideals so successful that it is easy to let one or two slide in the interest of peace. While the true ideal of liberty might be able to take a body blow now and then, it is always with the understanding that there will be a counter-punch that will set things right.

The clear decline of America is that it has stopped counter-punching and is just lying on the ropes being pummeled by a merciless federal government. The government has been so focused on landing one blow after another that it has become confident of a knockout. It will succeed in stripping every last vestige of liberty from the people once and for all. But, that changes the game.

When there is no hope of recovery, when each person looks at life as an endless string of abuses heaped on it by the rulers (who have long since ceased to be representatives) the only thing left to the individual is to fight.


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