The Institutional Insanity Complex, by Robert Gore

Refuse to pretend.

“Nobody does. The crowd never thinks. People are only comfortable in a pack, and they’re most comfortable in one that’s racing off a cliff.”Deacon Bainbridge to Daniel Durand, The Golden Pinnacle, Robert Gore, (2013)

The pack is racing off a cliff. There is a vast complex telling them that they are not, and that they won’t be hurt when they smash on the rocks below.

How does the human mind deal with the contradictory? One way is through discovering facts and rational analysis to resolve the contradiction. A vaccine is presented as safe and effective. However, its legal status shields its makers from legal liability for any vaccine-induced injuries. Why would legal immunity be necessary if the vaccine is safe and effective? The rational person questions the premise of safety and effectiveness, and either foregoes the vaccine until further data confirms the premise, or foregoes it permanently if it doesn’t.

The other way to deal with contradiction is to evade it. If the crowd—the government, the pharmaceutical companies, the media, the academics, the corporations, the celebrities, your employer, your friends, and your family—is telling you the vaccines are safe and effective, they must be so. Unfortunately, the rocks below hurt; they may even kill. And it’s no consolation that the comforting crowd shares your fate. Perhaps, if there’s an afterlife, you can commiserate with fellow unfortunates there.


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1 year ago
Reply to  DRenegade

I stand with this statement. I read the article. I stand!

David Bovender
David Bovender
1 year ago

I’m 66. I have been a news hound since 14. I remember the weekly body count from Vietnam days. Every Network saying we are winning. 400 Americans kia this week but 3000 enemy Kia. Ice age inbound in the 70’s. Acid rain in the 80’s. Global warming in the 90’s. Peak Oil and Y2K. EVERY dam thing the government and main stream media tells you is a lie. I don’t believe ANYTHING they say until proven otherwise.