The Invasion Increases

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1 year ago

In Chicago, at one of the growing temporary shelters for invaders, a 5 year old child died from a high fever. 5 more were sent to hospitals with high fevers. No surprise. These people are coming from the third world, with third world medical problems. And now those problems are ours. Some police districts in Chicago have been used as shelters for the invaders. Camera coverage of the dozens of people sleeping on the police station floor has revealed that some of the invaders have already been arrested at least once, because they are wearing the ankle monitoring bracelets. But, but they’re all family people just looking for a new life. Not.

1 year ago
Reply to  Nobody

The Lying S-Bag Biden who Brought illegals into our nation illegally must be deported as well as the other 30 million that have been here under other presidents. If the American people don’t get a handle on this shortly these animals who are of military age will be banging on the doors of the American people to rape, pillage and murder. what will they do then?

1 year ago
This is what should be happening and not just in com’s.
Anything less is just a spasm which will accomplish Zero.

1 year ago

The 545 are all complicit in this ongoing fustercluck of a non-border. They, plus the entire unelected bureaucracy that parasitizes the American People need to stand trial for treason and violation of their various Oaths of Office.

1 year ago

Waiting to be processed? Yeah, let’s process them alright. Like a deer.

1 year ago

Not good. They overpopulated their own regions and their cultures are dying out from it. Now they will do it to us. Read ex-Vatican cardinal pen named ‘Avro Manhattan’ in his 200 year history and personal participation as a Vatican cardinal in the destruction of south and north American culture by the British/Rothschild/Vatican campaign. ‘The Vatican Moscow Washington Alliance’. At Ebay or Amazon for $4.00 to $400.00 a copy, out of print, depending on the week. KNOW what is going on to avoid costly and tragic errors important to you and your families.

Last edited 1 year ago by HTLIII
Randolph Scott
Randolph Scott
1 year ago

Tell the illegal bastards to ‘hit the road jack’ and go back to mexico.

1 year ago

How are invaders paying for airplane tickets to Ecuador? You don’t need a visa to get into Ecuador. So they fly from China, Africa, SW Asia and the Middle East to Ecuador. Then they make it up to southern Panama where the US State Dept. has a huge migrant center. Then they get bused by US taxpayers about 2000 miles north to the border of Texas or Arizona. I’m told that the State Dept. has migrant centers all over the world in order to assist invaders getting to the US. I imagine the US taxpayer is paying for those airplane tickets to Ecuador.

1 year ago
Reply to  Nobody

Probably more like 2400 miles.

1 year ago

I remember back when France was being Invaded and the British were attempting to Hold the invaders at the Channel Tunnel. The Brits Failed and I thought ……How Gutless France and GB were…..
Sheesh, and Now Are We Them???. Submitting to Europe/USSA/NWO and Bolshevik Demoncrazy.
The 2nd Amendment is the only difference remaining between the EU Cucks and Us, imo. Ongoing Sales of Arms and Ammo in America supports this view .Readers here already Know this,
But that This is Happening by Individuals looking out for themselves and in Ever Increasing numbers is the key takeaway, imo. I see the Tsunami wave becoming more and more visable, still in deeper water but Unstoppable, Coming, Relentlessly, …… as the Ferals incease the Illegal Immigration Invasion & Bankruptcy.