“In Islam, the public veneration of idols and statues is strictly prohibited. This has forced sincere Muslims to develop realistic plans that will aid in the removal of the Statue of Liberty.”
I am so offended I’m unable to comment at this time.
I propose the ‘Removal’ of all of the followers of ISLAM that are currently residing inside the borders of the USA.
Respectfully submitted by SD2010.
Let me clarify my definition of Removal
Removal = Relocation, as of a residence or business.
Respectfully submitted SD2010.
Is the Sharia group serious about doing this or are they taking a play from the unions and trying to agitate Americans. Either way this is truly disgusting.
This may be a hoax. Hard to tell.
I browsed other articles and pages on the sharia4america website and they have the same “feel”.
If the site is bogus, someone put a lot of energy into it.
I thought it had to be a hoax at first but then browsed the pages and there sure is a lot of content that supports the position. I did notice that it has a European feel in the spelling of words. I sure hope someone is “playing” around because this is too frightening if true!
Do you still believe they are American patriots at heart, as defined by our President?
Our president stated that Islam is not the problem, it is the solution. No Muslim could speak truer words from their heart.