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Re: Prophetic Dream
“Warning !!! Destruction of USA!!!!” -- Maurice Estrada
He is absolutely right. You have nothing to fear, you have only gain.
I lived in a place once, rural area, where there was a gay bar and two homo camps with in a 30 minute drive of me. We are talking about camps where guys dress as fairies (look up radical fairies). It was not uncommon to see a man with a boob job and a bra on, men dressed in drag and such in the area. Yes I did say a rural setting, farms and all.
One day in church God told me to go witness to them. So I did what most Christians do, I started playing Moses and looking for an excuse, in stead of just going and doing it. My excuse was I am not a wordy person and most defiantly not a people person. So I looked for another brother to go with me. For six months I was passed around from church to church, missions leader to mission leader. Not one man would go. Yes the mission organizations would have loved for me to do the work and they could put me on their list of look what “we” done things, but non there would go. One say my wife said I will go with you, I really did not want her to go and see what was there. But we went, she stayed at the car. They where respectful and asked me to leave kindly. Other than a guy dressed in woman’s underwear, it went well. I did go back with a pastor, but he thought I was joking when we went. He kind of chuckled when he seen the Welcome Homo on the barn. But he went.
Anyways, after that. I was a lot more emboldened. There was more drive and desire to stand up than before. Something I feared to do so much made me so much more stronger as a Christian. So when you are called (we are all called to do it daily), do it. Ask for guidance and then step off the cliff. If God tell you to do something, He has a plan and He wants you to do it. You will be blessed in ways that you could not think of. I was. Trust me, God had to push me there, I really did not want to do it. Any brother or sister looking to someone to back them up, call on me. It is our duty to support each other, even if it is preaching at the gates he Hell.
A leap of faith.
More like a shove.
I found out through out the years that you can go where God wants you or he can drag you there by the hair of the head. It is a lot easier just to go.
There is always a blessing in it. Go one a few weeks back giving Bible to homeless people. The ones couple story (if they where not lying to me) was one. They were witnessing to other homeless people. That is what they do. Ran into a similar couple on top of Cheat Mountain in WV walking from Charlottesville VA to Clarksburg WV (that is a rough walk). Gave them a ride to church and then again back to Charlottesville VA.