If you have got family and friends that you would like to visit before things start getting really crazy, you should do so within the next couple of months, because these are the last days of “normal life” in America. The website where I have posted this article is called “End of the American Dream“, but perhaps I should have entitled it “The End of America” because that is essentially what we are heading for. The debt-fueled prosperity that so many of us take for granted is about to come to a screeching halt, and we are about to enter the hardest times that any of us have ever known. And I am not just talking about economics either. Based on all of the intel and information that I have gathered, we are about to enter a “perfect storm” that is going to shake this country in just about every possible way that it can be shaken. So I hope that you will truly savor this summer – days like this will not come around again any time soon.
Have you ever known someone that lived a seemingly charmed life even though that individual made foolish decision after foolish decision?
In the end, reality almost always catches up with people like that.
And in so many ways, we have been living a charmed life as a nation even though we have been making incredibly foolish decisions for decades. We have cursed ourselves over and over again, and just about every form of evil that you can possibly imagine is exploding all around us. As a nation, we now stand for just about everything that is foul, disgusting and wicked, and the rest of the world is absolutely horrified by what has happened to us.
Excellent article. I am trying to convince my husband of the prospect of what is down the road for our country. I am like a sponge trying to absorb so much information. I believe our normal will be different than what we have been accustomed.
your normality must be based in the faith of God, not man or Government which man has abominated. our nation will fall and it will fall hard and the pieces will take many decades to put back together. Civil war is coming to our nation and there will be nothing to stop it because our government has been slowly taken over time by bolshevik Marxist demon-rats and they are running all the bureaucracies, Universities, etc. and yes we have many republican bolshevik Marxists also that have crossed over the aisle to the demon-rat party all for power, money and greed. These people will fall and be handed over to be hanged or hanged on site. War is is coming, you can hear the drum beats of war advancing on our nation and people who love freedom will have no choice but to fight like men or die as miserable cowards.
God bless America ! Please Dear Lord !
Let the core indicators that we use to judge ourselves as a nation be based on our adherence to Torah Law, and not on whether other nations like or dislike us. Be assured and comforted by our Messiah, to not know FEAR, neither from ourselves or from our adversities, IF we are FAITHFUL. So just the fact that we as a nation, are reacting in anxiety and fear should tell you if you are in faith or, in evil standing. We were never “charmed” as a nation. The word charmed in hebrew means “bewitched”. This nation did this to themselves! Not cursed from some supernatural alchemy. We must return to practices of respectful homage and worship and of being FAITHFUL to GODs WORD. When we stopped being faithful to His LAWS, and replacing them with man’s laws, is when we started walking down an unfaithful and evil path. Until we do a 180 degree turn as a nation, we are headed over the edge of the cliff like lemmings into the lake of fire. And this is where we will all end up as a nation if we do not take a stand and return to FAITHFUL to YHWH, The Elohim of Ahbram, Isaac, Yacob, and Yeshua. Shema!
God has blessed this nation greatly but the blessing has now been turned into a curse. God has already sealed this nations fate as Israels fate was sealed time and time again, the Jews always turned back to there wicked ways and followed after other nations and there false gods and we have done the same. Our nation and our leaders have thrown God into the trash can , but God is just about to thrown them into the trash can and it will be for ever. we have not known war internally since the civil war and when it comes , it will roll fast and there will be nothing we can do stop it, because its ordained by God to happen due to our sins as a nation.