The Lawlessness Continues


by Fran Porretto

If you’ve been following the national news:

  1. You poor soul;
  2. You know how bad things are getting.

Obama is now planning to raise taxes by executive order. He’s already spent federal funds without Congressional authorization. It’s odds-on that he’ll refuse to abide by a federal court ruling that his amnesty for illegal immigrants is unconstitutional. Given all that, should the Supreme Court strike down ObamaCare, what would you expect him to do? Meekly comply?

For that matter, what do you expect Congress – now full of Republicans – to do about Obama’s noncompliance with the explicit terms of the Constitution? Will it fight for its prerogatives and the rule of law, or will it content itself with approximately what it’s done so far – i.e., nothing at all?

The Obama Administration has arrogated all power to itself. It recognizes no requirement to secure legislative authorization for its actions. It deems the courts’ rulings to be no better than advisories. Indeed, it concedes no constraints of any sort.

How do you like living in a dictatorship, Gentle Reader?


via WRSA with apologies to Fran for not reading this earlier.


There is some good news: people are becoming sentient to their enslavement and the realization that the Republican Party is a sham. The first step to regaining freedom is the understanding that we are the ones that we have been waiting for. With reliance on Divine Providence.

David DeGerolamo

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9 years ago

They funded amnesty……..

Not one Republican filed articles of Impeachent -- they are complicit…….

9 years ago

…repeat as necessary!

And should our elected representatives fail in their obligations, then we are duty-bound to exercise our recall authority under Rule 308.

It really is that simple. All that we are lacking is a sufficient body of men willing to act accordingly.
But rest assured, things will continue along their present decline until a sufficient body of men come forward…


9 years ago

The tree of liberty must be refreshed from time to time if we are ever to survive. we wont survive with these cut throat marxist murderers running our government.