The Leading Killer of Unarmed Black Lives

"PLANNED PARENTHOOD is the leading killer of unarmed black lives" by The Radiance Foundation

Black lives matter. Or so we’re told. The left gets enraged when you put their rhetoric into context. Nationwide, #BlackLivesMatter leaders decry the tragic deaths of unarmed black lives at the hands of what is sometimes accurately called police brutality. In 2014, there were a total of 444 reported “unarmed deaths” according to the FBI (labeled as “justifiable homicides” with no racial/ethnic specifics). Yet over 330,000 deaths of unarmed black lives in the womb happen every year due to abortion brutality and this movement embraces the violence as “reproductive justice.”

Famed voting rights and anti-poverty activist, Fannie Lou Hamer, considered abortion a “genocide among black people.”

Hamer, who was passionately prolife and an adoptive mother, would hammer today’s racially divisive #BlackLivesMatter movement that willingly supports the most institutionalized form of racism—population control (aka abortion).


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9 years ago

the killers here are the democratic party and have always been, but the Negros just cant seem to figure it out yet, they are stuck in there bell curve environment.