Given the current makeup of Congress, immediate reform is extremely unlikely. In fact, we expect that the defenders of corruption in Congress will choose to put thousands of Americans in handcuffs instead of passing perfectly-viable, on-the-table pro-democracy reforms supported by the vast majority of the country.
But no matter what happens in the immediate endgame, we win. Because mass nonviolent action at this moment, on this issue, will focus the nation’s attention — as never before — on the urgency of this crisis, the existence of solutions to it, and the strength of the popular demand to enact them.
A Democracy Spring will unleash unstoppable momentum for deep reform. It will reveal exactly which side the members of Congress and the candidates for office from President to state legislatures and city halls stand on in this fight to save democracy. With the Equal Voice for All Pledge as a tool we will leverage this momentum and exposure to make crystal clear for voters across America which candidates are committed to reform and which are defending the status quo of corruption.
h/t Mike F
Whatever excuse will be put forth, we will have blood in the streets. How did this once great nation fall so low?
No honor.
No morality.
No faith.
No future.
David DeGerolamo
Ain’t gonna happen, sure there’ll be lots of inner city riots, but a concerted effort requires coordination and a massive logistical base. Frankly nothing I’ve seen so far gives me any indication that aside from pooping on Cop cars, they are able to organize even a 2 mile march.
This is what you get when a nation turns away from God.
The goal is an excuse for government to again tighten it’s controls of liberty and the people.
It was God who created the nations and separated them. it is man who foolishly believes he knows better and can ignore His handiwork.
Those lacking in character (Honor, Faith, and Moral Fortitude) are not empowered by God to lead. Understanding this, we must ask ourselves, “if not by God, then by whose power do they lead?” In this simple answer stands the totality of the warning given unto us -- for that power which presently ‘leads’ us has ever and shall again exercise such means as will procure the greatest number of souls unto hell, for that is its sole true and abiding motive.
Lies, murder, corruption, and conceit have ever been the hallmarks of this power, for they are the foundation of that character which turns away from God; full of pride, and committed to the belief that they can ordain their own future, outside His will. All men who assemble themselves under this banner shall, by steps and degrees, assume the character of that power which leads them; just as those who choose to assemble themselves under the banner of God shall grow in their adoption of His attributes.
Tom and Joe, you are both correct in your points -- that we suffer from an absence of submission to His will. As a society we suffer from the twin plagues of pride and ignorance.
The outcome of such pernicious maladies consuming a society are plain throuhout history. Ancient Greece and Rome both succumbed to them, and more recent examples abound beyond counting -- the bloody revolutions of the US and France, the Federal war upon the States here in America, and on through the violent destructions of society in Russia, the Caucasus, and Germany, among many, many others.
Yes, I have included our own revolutionary war… not particularly for its outcome, which was better than most; but for the causes underlying many who prosecuted and supported the severance of American society from our birthright and natural heritage; to by degrees dilute and obscure our common origin, and thus deprive us of our pedigree -- that they might forge from our stock something NEW, and not of God’s intention.
” not to over throw the constitution…but to over throw the men who corrupt the constitution”
“honest” abe lincon
From the man who did not miss any chance to trample the Constitution into the ground.