The Left Tried to Stop Kash Patel—Now He’s Ready to Lead Trump’s FBI

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Al Buckner
Al Buckner
2 months ago

I’m hoping he will clean house and prosecute some along the way.
But the swamp is a swirling quick sand of deep seeded sea monsters. Let’s be like the Left uncover and look under every rock and bankrupt them in courts.

tom finley
tom finley
2 months ago

They are like cockroaches, you will never get completely rid of them.

2 months ago

He’s going to need to lead the first 2000, from the top down, into a wood chipper, head-first. (That may need to be the top 10,000.)
Otherwise he’s a critical failure from the get-go.
And the wood chipper can be literal, or metaphorical, but it needs to be that absolute, regardless.
Bear well in mind that Strzok and Page, carrying on in official texts and e-mails on their FBI phones, who openly conspired to smear and frame Trump after his election, just collected, not prison sentences, but a <b>$2M payout</b> for “violating their privacy” while conducting their affair and anti-Trump campaign on those very FBI-issued cell phones, and you can see how deep the rot is there.
My vote is for him using an actual woodchipper, and blowing up the Hoover HQ building, with or without evacuating it first, but I’m a hopeless romantic when it comes to the government reform required to restore a functioning republic, instead of a KGB-Lite.
90:10 Patel winds up simply re-arranging deck chairs, unless he fires everyone hired into the agency since 2009 up until five seconds after Trump’s second inauguration as irredeemably tainted, along with the entire management superstructure down to SAIC at field offices.
If that only leaves them a couple of dozen agents to start the re-build, so be it.

Randolph Scott
Randolph Scott
2 months ago
Reply to  Aesop

Morbark! Morbark! Morbark!

tom finley
tom finley
2 months ago
Reply to  Aesop

If we could do as you suggest, in every agency we might stand a chance of restoration.

2 months ago

I don’t see how he’s going to be able to do much at the FBI. I’m sure the entrenched bureaucracy will stonewall him at every turn unless he fires about half the entire agency right out of the gate. And in fact there’s a distinct possibility of “fratricide”.

lol no
lol no
2 months ago

Scorched earth now.