The Lesser Of Two Evils

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17 days ago

Macgregor: America’s Reckoning With Reality | ZeroHedge

Carry on. Always a good reason to do nothing, eh?

Green Hornet
Green Hornet
17 days ago

I may have commented this before but it bears repeating. When I see or am told to choose between two degrees of evil I think of this analogy.

You have two pans of brownies placed in front of you. One has a teaspoon of fresh dog poo mixed in, the other has the whole poo mixed in. Are you going to eat either one?
I’m not.
As far as political choices, none of them really care about us. None of them have shrank the size of government, or repealed unlawful/unconstitutional orders like the Patriot Act, or any of the NDAA’s, EO’s, mandates etc…

I wish Hitlery had won in 2016. At least we could have had our civil “housecleaning” and be well on the path to recovery today. But we had a spoiler come in and kick the can down the road. The situation is much more dire now.

This is my opinion. Anyone is free to disagree and tell me how dumb I am for it. After all, it is the internet.

17 days ago
Reply to  Green Hornet

Your dog-poo analogy lacks the point that you WILL be eating a brownie from one of those pans. Either Kamala or Trump will be POTUS and not voting will not keep you from having to eat dog-poo brownies. Voting will not cure the taste but may give you time to make a better brownie for your next snack or prepare to not be around when they cut the brownies.

16 days ago
Reply to  Steiner

Change the analogy to two beds , one with a Timber Rattler the other with a Anaconda. Which evil choice will you choose to sleep with? This isn’t between the taste of poo leaving a bad taste in your mouth it’s about life and death for us and our future generations. I for one don’t want my tombstone to read “He lived life and tasted of the lesser poo.

16 days ago
Reply to  Rshooter

I think you missed the point. The analogy is Harris/Trump are -- lots of dog-poo/just a little dog-poo. The U.S. is going to get one of those. Rattler/Anaconda same way. You’re gonna get one of those. Unless you move to another country. Your tombstone will read ‘He didn’t want one, but got it anyway.’

16 days ago
Reply to  Steiner

No it will read “He was a patriot and did not except the evil offered instead died fighting it”

Al Buckner
Al Buckner
17 days ago

I’m a Independent-Conservative-Patriot, I do like some of the Republican platform. I just don’t like their RHINOS and yellow back behaviors.
Yes, I like Trump for the most part, he has his faults. It may just be me. Trump seems different this time around, I mean, I feel at times he looks and acts not so assure of himself. I’m sure getting close to getting your head blow off can have an effect on oneself. He claims he has a different outlook on life and God.
Bottom Line I Pray For Trump To Be The One, Cause God Help Us If Harris Gets In. They are using the same playbook as Creepy-Sleepy Joe did. I read today that in Texas, the governor has disallowed over 1 Million immigrants the right to vote. But that’s just one state! They will try the same or maybe another Covid or Mpok to scare the gathering of the masses.
I Do Pray, But I Pray For GOD’S Will and Who He Wants In The Office. If it’s Trump okay! But if it’s Harris then God has given us what we let happen and another degree of Punishment beyond Biden/Harris four years.

17 days ago


I’ve checked most of the facts presented. If anything, I find the data WORSE than this report.

It matters little WHO gets Elected.

If Harris, then we go full Communist and maybe some of our frequent posters get their Civil War 2.0

If the Demoncraps (spelling intentional) decide to CHEAT 4 Trump so He gets the economic collapse and social chaos dumped on him and MAGA as so they can DO A Franklin Roosevelt Full On Commie to SAVE OUR Democracy (spit)…

Maybe under Trump and his efforts (fought tooth and nail by Marxists) the freedoms will get some chance.

Don’t expect better from Harris.

We still eat that *hit sandwich”. You, your family, friends and I.

No amount of Schadenfreude that the leftists suffer also will make up for watching your family suffer and die from water borne diseases and hunger.

How much time do we have? I don’t know but it’s about 70 days or so before election and that’s close enough for me.

Protect your trusted friends and trusted family. Real trouble is near.

Joe Blow
Joe Blow
16 days ago
Reply to  Michael


16 days ago

And isn’t choosing to do NOTHING, good or bad, when your very survival is at stake worse than “choosing between the lesser of two evils?” I say it is. Think about it.

Pastor Guest
Pastor Guest
16 days ago

Anytime one must choose between two human beings it is a choice between the lesser of two evils, unless one of them is Jesus.

16 days ago

The system is an idiocracy filled with idiots and sellouts. Vote in Republicans and they do nothing but hold the line for the left. We saw that with Obamacare. When the left regains power they flush our systems and lives towards the communist toilet. We are not seeing a battle of lesser evils we are seeing a slow burn to extinction directed by a hidden hand.
The tea party movement gave us hope but was quickly infiltrated and neutered. We need better tactics within the political system. We need 1776 type patriots.
Trump’s MAGA movement is a tea party 2.0 uprising but it lacks depth. It needs more outreach, more young people to stand alone and break free from the GOP yoke. What happens to the movement if Trump is not in the picture? It needs a whole lot of little Trumps.

Joe Blow
Joe Blow
16 days ago
Reply to  Patriot_One

Politics as a whole in this country is dead. There is not an honest one among them. Its not the individuals, its the system that is broken.

Al Bino
Al Bino
16 days ago

It’s the BAR People, and here is the best reporter on Utube exposing the CA BAR.

Get the word out.

Elder Son
Elder Son
16 days ago

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And the Lord said: “Because this people draw near with their mouth and honor me with their lips, while their hearts are far from me, and their fear of me is a commandment taught by men, therefore, behold, I will again do wonderful things with this people, with wonder upon wonder; and the wisdom of their wise men shall perish, and the discernment of their discerning men shall be hidden.” ~ Isaiah 29: 13-14

You hypocrites! Well did Isaiah prophesy of you, when he said: “‘This people honors me with their lips, but their heart is far from me; in vain do they worship me, teaching as doctrines the commandments of men.’” ~ Matthew 15: 7-9

Latigo Morgan
Latigo Morgan
15 days ago

By voting, you agree to abide by the outcome, be it in your favor, or the other side’s favor.
The saying is, “If you don’t vote, you don’t get to complain.” I disagree. If you don’t vote, you do get to complain.
You don’t get to vote, then say you withdraw your consent to be governed if things don’t go your way.