The Logical Solution

Implement martial law. Expose the Deep State’s criminal acts across the world. New US federal elections with voter ID in 90 days. Set up a world court to prosecute those responsible for crimes against humanity.

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1 month ago

I like that idea.

1 month ago

Nice idea but lots of GOP would not go along with this since they are also guilty. Anyone notice how quiet it is in the halls of the majority? You think they would be out there pushing the DOGE investigating but no, awfully quiet.

1 month ago
Reply to  Magrit


Lee Vail AKA Kalev Efrayim
Lee Vail AKA Kalev Efrayim
1 month ago
Reply to  Magrit

They figure if they stay quiet, they won’t get exposed.
I believe in time all the guilty will be exposed.
I figure that soon the Democrats are going to go scorched earth.

Last edited 1 month ago by Lee Vail AKA Kalev Efrayim
1 month ago
Reply to  Magrit

Very, very slippery slope- agreed.

1 month ago

Do we then ban the Libertarian Party for exposing what hypocrites the GOP is? Be careful how much tyranny you wish for.

1 month ago
Reply to  DRenegade

No, just pointing out that the GOP has been horrible for decades, while the Libertarians have been pointing it out. At what point do we finally acknowledge that the problem is bigger than we are willing to face?

Mary Combs
Mary Combs
1 month ago

I think some people have succumbed to the bribery and if proactive in promoting the downfall of the US as well, should be treated as treason. Some are just weak and tempted by the money. The first case and these should be stripped of their ill gotten gains and jailed for appropriate lengths of time. Some have been blackmailed or threatened and are therefore, to some extent victims as well as corrupt politicians. These and the ones before should all be barred from holding public office and from working for politicians. All of the above should have due process before being convicted and sentenced to the above penalties. The penalties should be published in advance so the ones with lesser sentences hanging over their heads will go ahead, confess and take their medicine.
The harder to determine sentences would be for the truly dedicated maniacs who believe fervently in what they are doing and believe they are doing good. Putting these in prison with others risks converting some of the weaker minded. If it’s possible under the penal code, I’d give them a choice between doing hard time or going to live for 20 years in a designated foreign community -- preferably non-English speaking, where the foreign community acts out the values the fanatic espouses and wants to impose on the rest of us. (They would be barred from re-entering the US except by court order to attend funerals etc),

Snotty Boy
Snotty Boy
1 month ago
Reply to  Mary Combs

Brand them on their foreheads so they can’t be mistaken anywhere they go.