The Loss of Big Ideas

by T.L. Davis

What is the cost of socialization; of regulation; of Stalinization? Consider for a moment how many government agencies were created just in your lifetime. Consider also that from around 1900, a bit before and a bit after, the internal combustion engine was created, electric automobiles, steam automobiles, the airplane, electric lights, the telephone, indoor plumbing, etc, etc, etc all the way up to nuclear weapons and NASA rockets in the 1960’s. Even the television and the internet were invented before 1970 even if the internet was in a very basic form. The silicon Chip was even invented in 1961.

What has been created since 1970? No new propulsion systems. Even the hydrogen fuel cell either works with an internal combustion engine or creates electricity to power the automobile. What has happened to that great entrepreneurial spirit? That creativity? Are we to understand that the only thing we have been able to develop in the nearly same 60 year period after 1960 are government programs? Everything we have today was invented before 1970.


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