The Matrix Will Fight Back

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5 months ago

The Afrikaner oligarch will save the constitutional republic. We the People should be ashamed. SMH.

5 months ago

The only Marxist to be defeated are the deep state whores who have been entrenched in the government for the last fifty years. The Bushes, Clinton, Obama and Biden moles would need to be flushed out and removed, everyone in every dept from the Clintons onward. These were employees in the executive branch that these whore presidents stuffed in as moles of which I believe is illegal, but they keep getting away with it because there is no oversight from the Congress.

Joe Blow
Joe Blow
5 months ago
Reply to  Phil1350

Nor will there be. That’s what people don’t seem to get. They’re still looking to the system to correct itself (admittedly, we were told/taught that the constitution has such protections embedded in it).
We’re going to have to take up arms and shoot the corrupt motherfuckers dead if we want our country back!!!! The military will present people and arms to protect the very names you mentioned -- we will have to kill everyone in our way to see those people face justice. Nobody else is going to do it, nothing short will cause it to happen. Until We The People decide to act, Leviathan will always and forever protect itself against us.
Do people seriously NOT GET THAT yet? Or are they in denial about it? Like, how many times does the drunk have to beat you before you pack a suitcase and leave? That’s what this feels like… arguing with your sister to finally leave her drunken abusive husband, and she defends him. Your rights and freedoms are GONE (bruises up and down the side of your face), your currency is toast (he spent the mortgage money on gambling and booze), and the kids are all criminals (tranny story hour)… But here is half the people in this country suggesting a little tweak, maybe win a few seats in the house, and all will be right as rain.
I’m so fucking tired… I can’t wait for the shooting to start at this point so we can get on with it!

Elder Son
5 months ago

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Joe Blow
Joe Blow
5 months ago

Yyyyyyyyyeeeeeaaaaahh. We’re going to fix the problem of big-government by setting up more big-government to look at the problems big-government is causing, and possible ways to expand big-government to combat those problems.
We should also ask the fox to investigate the security of the hen-house and follow whatever recommendations he makes.
When I talk about people being stupid and so retarded they don’t even warrant a response, this is what I mean. How friggin stupid can you be, to suggest the government should look into, the government? Jesus Christ, we’re doomed. Like the Terminator meme and the ‘do not eat’ sign on the subway wrapper. We’re not gonna make it.