The Meat Mafia: The Great Reset of Food
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Jeff Marshalek
Jeff Marshalek
3 years ago

I attended a two day farm conference this past week. Chris Martenson from Peak Prosperity worked with Joel Salatin of Polyphase Farm to present their solution to the issues brought up by Glenn Beck in the video. Basically, we have to create a parallel local economy where we do not consent to outside authoritarian controls. Generally speaking, many of us have to learn how to grow grass. The management of pasture, without chemical fertilizers, frees the individual from the corporate systems. The methods of grazing cows, chickens, pigs, sheep, and goats taught by Joel Salatin, frees the individual from the need of pharmaceuticals in the production of meat. And finally, the individual who removes his or her consent to work with the regulators, then finds freedom from the matrix.
It is too late to change the corporate/governmental system. Focus on local action to create local economies. Do not waste precious time and effort trying to change the minds of the muggles, [zombies] find people of like minds {Church} and libertarians to create local strength.