Mr. Camus writes:
It is perfectly fine to acknowledge it as a reality if one celebrates it. If, on the other hand, you do not like the Great Replacement, then it does not exist, you are the one inventing it and you are a fascist, a racist and a propagator of conspiracy theories. If you like it, it exists, and it is an opportunity for France, an opportunity for Flanders, a blessing for Belgium, a lifeline for Europe; and you are a benefactor of humanity.
If we ask Heidegger about the metaphysics of modern technological civilization, he will answer that we moderns live our lives as if we believe that everything that exists is nothing more than raw material for manipulation and exploitation. Fundamentally, in other words, we believe that everything is merely “stuff” that waits upon us to confer identity upon it — to transform it in the service of satisfying human desires and aspirations.
In modernity, furthermore, we believe that there are no limits on our ability to transform the world, as well as ourselves. Everything is seen as infinitely malleable. These beliefs are seldom reflected on, and almost never stated openly.
For Heidegger, the spirit of modern technological civilization is so totalizing that we even come to see each other as raw material to be transformed according to our schemes. We might name Communism as an obvious example of a philosophy that sought fundamentally to “make over” humanity. Heidegger, however, sees the same spirit at work in capitalism.
Under capitalism, everything becomes a replaceable, recyclable “commodity” — and this includes human beings themselves. Men become mere “consumers” manipulated by producers to desire whatever is offered to them, and qua consumers, they are entirely replaceable. Everywhere in the modern world, for Heidegger, there is a will toward uniformity, replaceability, recyclability.
Too many Americans were late realizing that this isn’t a sovereign country. It’s just one big corporate plantation and we’re all the slaves. They can manipulate the cost of labor by using organized migration. I figure it cost me over $15,000 per year in income and my civilization.