To all the deplorables pretending they'll stop us from vaccinating your kids:
— Helen Renee Carter (@ScrapbookerInGA) November 7, 2021
you are wrong
we can and we will vaccinate them. you can't stop us
Just take a look at the elementary school in Michigan that has a vaccine clinic built into the school:
My niece is actually only turning 4 today but we forged a fake birth certificate to get her jab done early! One down, 3 to go
— Helen Renee Carter (@ScrapbookerInGA) November 8, 2021
I don’t have twatter, but I clicked on her avatar to see her timeline. Either she is the high priest(ess) of leftist lunacy, or she has the best parody account on the network. I want to believe it is parody, because the other option is frankly nucking futs.
Worst part is folks like her have been given super secret snitch powers from the Stasi in charge. She can get a swat team to murder your dog because you think for yourself.
the other option is that its a government psyops working on people who are ‘on the fence’… to get them to think the entire herd is running for the cliff.
Sheep, and sheeple, do NOT follow their shepherd. They follow the dominant ram in the herd. Today, the sheeple’s dominant ram is network television, programmed by the CFR for the Pilgrim Society group. It is losing their monopoly on international banking, so it has panicked, and like the dominant ram of the sheep, is running off a cliff with CFR TV addicts in full pursuit. The Vatican and Church of England has been planning this CJ ‘End Times’ nonsense for hundreds of years. Well WHOOP-DI-DOO! No thanks.
Whole lotta folks headed for Gehenna…
For sure.
I hope that child is not going to suffer for the sins of her family. I do on the other hand hope that the “forgery” master gets her just deserts on earth before facing judgment and potentially a fiery hell for what they have done.
I would also point out that we have already spoken to my 9 year old about this on the off chance someone tries to jab her at school. I would fill anyone with lead that jabs my kid behind my back other than her Mom.
Get her out of that hell hole. Her mind is being JABBED every day.
Sorry for being out of context, but, your posting of “Dr. David Martin: Treasonous Acts” play for 5 min then stops. Do you another source from which the video can be viewed? Or, what site did it come from?
Something to consider from someone who used to luve among these types of people.
They believe it.
In their heart and soul, truly, honestly, believe they are righteous.
They will not flinch at hurting you, in any way, to achieve that which they have been convinced is neccessary. These are the people who manned the trains at the station.
Sir, the people you describe are, without any doubt whatsoever, demonically possessed.
I recall back in the 1980s to during Reagan Presidency- KGB assessment of USA was “80% brainwashed”…
by 2021, considerably more…
Since more cannot see that ALL USA citizens are scheduled for demise…
and replacement
by the 100 million migration now under way ….shows they cannot take seriously the plan
(now deleted from internet, but still discussed by Jeff Rense on recent radio interview)
This is the onset of the Tribulation era, fellow Christians… Buckle up🙏🏼
There’s a very SPECIAL place in hell for those who abuse/murder children. Her children will be in Heaven someday soon as they’re innocent. The nut case will be burning for all eternity thinking about what she did!
Every comment yet not one explaining our real problem. The title says mollock yet not one mention of the billions you allow each year in the form of SACCRIFICEING BABIES TO SATAN, NIT “ONE” YOU DRIVE BY PLANNED PARENTHOOD SOMETIMES DAILY LIKE ITS JUST A NORMAL DOCTORS OFFICE. Next time you drive by remember inside that den of demons they are ripping the limbs from the same babies your pissed about the vax. Understand behind those walls they are ripping that child apart what ever they can grab this child feels every time they go back in imagine if you knew they were going into preschools and “WITHOUT PAIN MEDS” THEY WERE RIPPING YOUR BABIES ARMS AND LEGS OFF. HOW WOULD YOU FEEL IF YOU SEEN DOCTORS BREAKING BABIES NECKS TO KILL THEM AND ALLOW THE SAME EVIL SATAN WORSHIPPERS TO SCALP THESE TINY BABIES AND SEW THEIR SCALPS ON M8CE. YET ALL I READ IS HOW HORRIBLE IT IS TO VAX OUR CHILDREN WITHOUT OUR CONSENT. FOLKS OUR PRIORITIES AS A NATION ARE IN HELL IF WE DONT STOP ALL THESE SACCRIFICES . DO NOT THINK WE ARE GOING TO GET HEALED AS A NATION UNTIL WE STOP ALL SACCRIFICEING.
You are exactly right, they have been sacrificing the unborn to their demon god moloch. They have been doing this as recorded in the Bible for centuries. Nothing new under the sun.
I read that there’s a form these women fill out when they go to an abortion clinic asking what religion they are. Most check off ‘christian’. Who do you mean by “they”, the moloch worshippers ‘behind the curtain’ who know that’s who they serve, or the individuals, or both, in the aborting of the babies?
It is new for a Christian country!!!! WTF!!!
Historically, when women were pregnant they knew they had a life inside of them. Today many women really believe it’s a blob of tissue at a particular stage (as do men), indicating a spiritual disconnect, which is not an excuse for murdering one’s child. Christian nations may be historically new but believers are not. There’s something fundamentally flawed in a society that largely claims to be christian, yet a large portion of its women go to a facility that was established and is maintained for sacrifices to satan; in empowering another god. Yes, there are some individuals that are knowingly engaging in child sacrifice, in aborting their baby, but the question that was implied had to do with the category others would consider the women who would say they are christian, yet go there. My previous comment was a nuanced comment by the way.
if there is no demand for it there wouldn’t be somebody to supply it. Kiss them goodbuy. For that’s what it is.
Don’t fret for one second for this person or her niece. You can do nothing about it. Protect yourself and family and walkaway from the rest. To stress and worry about that which you cannot change is a waste of time. America is over you you are not.
Prayer matters, sir!!!
Just another libtard going over the water falls. The problem is that “they” want to drag us with them!
The British Gov in Sep. 1994 had no more will to fight the ,IRA Even with a good number of their own countrymen siding with the Brits, they are still a power to be reckoned with. They were just ordinary guys, some were ex military but they could not stand the thought of British rule. These liberals are attacked daily by their pets in the ghetto. A lone tar man even got close enough to murder a Rhodes Scholar student. The porchApes are doing violent crime daily in liberal enclaves but the will not speak out against the groids. This eventually will come to us and liberals are planning on prosecuting every white man who defends his home, family, friends against these feral beasts. My blood is boiling, this cannot be allowed to continue. This little bitch needs to be visited by laquan and lavon and have her insides pulled out.
Another definition of “monster.”
[…] only path forward. The seeds have already been planted, nothing is going to stop what is coming. The outrage and anger from the “vaxxed” is growing by the day. They hate us and everything we stand for. They despise […]
Here is the ministers and offspring of satan;
They’re not called the Leftist neurotic-psychotic collective for no reason.
I’m scratching my head at such breathtaking stupidity.
Who would vax their kids?! Who would vax themselves!?
it’s as if their only source of info is the “electric Jew” (TV).
If you tie a cinderlock around your foot and jump overboard in 1,000 feet of water, you soon will be forgotten. You should have told us why before you jumped. It is out of our hands now…..the bubbles have stopped. Go with God.
Have been reading horror stories about this genocide death jab, since last December. Everyone and their momma has intranet, so why did 80% of the US population take at least one of these “go straight to Hell” inoculations?
Is everyone such a suicidal retard, with no functional sense of Free Will and Self Decision, that they just want somebody to Lord over them regardless of outcome? Of course, those who play the part of false idol for these “deserving of horrible death” imbeciles, is usually the most corrupt, foul POS you could possibly (or not) imagine.
Why are Humans so God Damned stupid?