Jihad by Immigration, Infiltration, and Sharia Finance
by Mike Scruggs
The Muslim Brotherhood is the most powerful trans-national Muslim political organization in the world. Its motto is “Allah is our objective; the Prophet is our leader; the Quran is our law; Jihad is our way; dying in the way of Allah is our highest hope.” They belong to the Sunni branch of Islam, competing for world dominance with the numerically smaller Shia branch led by Iran. They often cooperate with Shia Islam, however, as part of an informal global Islamic movement to advance the political and religious dominance of Islam around the world.
The two major objectives of the Muslim Brotherhood (MB) are (1) to impose Quran-based Sharia (Islamic Law) as the supreme global law encompassing all aspects of Muslim life on all nations and peoples and (2) to establish a global Caliphate governing a federation of all present and future Muslim nations. It is important to note that Sharia dominates not only religious, judicial, and governmental facets of Muslim life but is also a total worldview that governs all family, social, and cultural aspects of Muslim life. The Quran and the teachings and example of Muhammad are considered the fixed and infallible constitutional authority for Sharia.
The Brotherhood (Ikhwan) was founded in Egypt in 1928. It was established by Egyptian school teacher Hassan al-Banna as a Muslim revivalist organization with the goal of bringing Egypt and eventually all other Muslim nations back to the pure Islam of the Quran and the teachings of Muhammad. As purists, they also advocated expanding Islam over the whole world by peaceful or violent means, whichever is required. The MB is considered salafist (fundamentalist), Jihadist, and pan-Islamist. The MB has spawned several terrorist or military arms, including Hamas, and al-Qaeda, and frequently cooperates with ISIS, many of whose leaders and holy warriors are Hamas or al-Qaeda trained.
h/t Dee S