The New Segregationists: Eye On Ferguson

by Francis Porretto

I’m not thinking near-term here; I fear a genuine campaign of genocide by American Caucasians against American Negroes. There’s no way to know in advance how much violence and lawlessness would be required to trigger such a reaction. Nevertheless, I maintain that the train of reasoning in the previous section is sound; there is a threshold which, if crossed, will evoke outright genocide. If that should come to pass, who would be more to blame than Leftist luminaries Barack Obama, Eric Holder, and the “unofficial” race-hustlers stoking the fires in Ferguson, Missouri?


The Left is heavily invested in victimism: broadly speaking, the proposition that all of us are either oppressors or oppressed, and that the former owe the latter an unlimited debt. In no case are they more relentlessly strident than in matters of race relations. Thus, it should surprise no one that prominent leftist voices have been egging on the “protestors” in Ferguson, edging asymptotically close to condoning violence and looting, while ceaselessly insisting that the fault for any such occurrences would belong, not to the “protestors,” but to the rest of us for “not doing justice for Michael Brown.”

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10 years ago

Libertarians commit a fatal error when denying human tribal/group needs and behaviors. Freedom can only exist in homogeneous contexts.

10 years ago

Viewed dispassionately, it seems that their actions…Ferguson, Trayvon hysteria, k.o. games, etc…
could be viewed as a challenge. Surely seems like ‘they’ want ‘us’ to ‘bring it on!’

10 years ago

I ‘spect that all those community organizers and their toadies from wherever are going to discover to their shock and horror that they ain’t in NY or CA or wherever anymore; they’re in the south, where every other moke is strapped and seriously believes in self defense.