The Obama Administration Is Now Concerned About A Nuclear Iran?

The Obama administration is now voicing concern about Iran’s nuclear uranium enrichment program. Where have they been for the past 3 years? So Iran is only weeks away from 20% enriched uranium (weapons usable grade). The article below comes from the Jerusalem Post.

I suppose Israel will be the first “recipient” of any nuclear enrichments and the administration’s lack of support for Israel has strained US-Israeli relations.  Here is the US response to a nuclear Iran:

‘Nuclear Iran dramatically raises nuclear war risk’

White House’s former top Iran policy official, Dennis Ross, says Obama committed to preventing Tehran from acquiring nukes.

WASHINGTON  — The greatest danger posed by a nuclear Iran would be the increased likelihood of a Middle East nuclear war, Dennis Ross said on Tuesday.

“If Iran has nuclear weapons, the potential for nuclear war in the Middle East goes up dramatically,” Ross, who just retired as the White House’s top Iran policy official, said during his first post-Obama administration address at the Washington Institute for Near East Policy.

The danger, Ross said, lies in the complete lack of communication between Israel and Iran, as opposed to open lines between earlier nuclear antagonists, like the UnitedStates and the Soviet Union.


If Iran is weeks away from nuclear weapons and the president is “committed to preventing Tehran from acquiring nukes”, I can only make two conclusions:

1.We are weeks away from war.
2. The president will back down and let Israel to her fate.

David DeGerolamo

US fears Iran on verge of 20% enriched uranium

Islamic Republic’s production of material that can be used to make nuclear weapons at underground facility may bolster calls for military or covert action, Obama administration officials say.

The Obama administration is concerned Iran is on the verge of being able to enrich uranium at a facility deep underground near the Muslim holy city of Qom, which may strengthen those advocating tougher action to stop Iran’s suspected atomic weapons program.

Iranian nuclear scientists at the Fordow facility appear to be within weeks of producing 20 percent enriched uranium, according to Iran analysts and nuclear specialists who are in close communication with US officials and atomic inspectors. Enriched uranium is used to fuel power plants and reactors, and may be further processed into atomic weapons material.

Administration officials speaking on condition of anonymity because of the sensitivity of the issue say Iran’s actions may bolster calls for military or covert action against the Persian Gulf country from Republican presidential candidates. It may also fuel pressure on the administration to impose measures approved by Congress to limit Iran’s oil exports.

“Senior advisers to US President Barack Obama privately express concern that Israel might see Iran’s commencement of the Fordow facility” as a justification for a military strike, said Karim Sadjadpour, an Iran analyst at the Carnegie Endowment for International Peace in Washington who has frequent discussions with the White House.


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13 years ago

What real military or existential threat does Iran pose to the US or Israel with both countries being nuclear powers? It really means that they can’t get bullied into accepting US dollars for oil if they have nukes.

Randy Dye
Randy Dye
13 years ago

@ Ruastatist2…what threat?? Hmm, how about 9-11 that would be 100 times worse. These radicals believe they are doing Allah’s will. Bringing their own “end of days religious beliefs into a real world scenario.