The Only Option Left to Us


We are at war. Most people do not want to accept this fact. Especially since we are at war with our ruling elite that most people think is our duly elected government. It is a war that we did not want. It is a war that should never have happened. It is a war in which we must share some of the blame.

Our forefathers warned us. Our arrogance accepted the loss of Liberty. Our apathy cost us our natural law rights.

We have a natural law right to protect ourselves and our families. We have a duty to God to fight for His name and glory. If it is His will to prove our faith, who are we to question Him?

Islam is the enemy. This is not hate speech: it is a fact. The attorney general can investigate and intimidate us: her predecessor did his best without consequences. But now our rulers have lost the confidence of the people who understand our position and will fight for our country.

David DeGerolamo

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9 years ago

As I have been saying for years now, there is only ONE solution to the muslim problem –
Kill every last muslim,
Burn every last copy of their satanic book.
Burn every last mosque to the ground.
Burn every last dwelling they have occupied,
And wherever you must burn,
Salt the ground heavily.

I will not stop saying it until it be accomplished, and Loretta Lynch be damned.

Because speech which excites, and even incites, Ms Lynch, is the only speech which needs protecting. And if the first amendment protects the rights of your foul and misogynist pResident to make pronouncements which undertake to destroy my country, Ms Lynch, then for certain it protects every utterance made in the hopes of saving our Republic, and restoring rightful governance to it.

Ours was forged as a society of men who recognised Christ and submitted to His will. Those of you who do not, shall ever be foreigners to us, and rightfully ought to be separated from us by borders and oceans, as all falsehood is to be set apart from the Truth.
And any man who affirms this is my brother,
but any who so denies it is my enemy forver and ever.
And God, grant me victory over every enemy. Amen


Fed up
Fed up
9 years ago

Amen, I invoke my First Amendment right to speak as I please.