Dr. Fauci has decided that if people will not take the vaxx, the government will be forced to burn the Covid out, to save them.
Heading into the third year of the pandemic, which has, for almost a year, ceased to be a pandemic, one might recognize it as something else altogether. Every variant stirs up panic, at least as much as the media and government officials can wring out of it, but I wonder if they know how badly they’re damaging themselves in the process. The longer they demand to shake the skeleton from the dark recesses of the spook house, the less and less frightened are the riders in the cart.
Going to the doctor will never be the same. I no longer trust anything they do or say until they satisfy their bona fides with me that they knew it all to be a hoax, too. Some method of blowing past the bs. Initially, I look for people masked in the waiting room. If they are, and that’s due to some request or requirement of the doctor, I’m out. If the doctor requests or suggests that I take the evil vaxx, I’m out, because who knows if they won’t substitute the shot you do need with the shot they seem determined to give you? I DON’T trust doctors anymore, none of them. Too many went along and the ones that didn’t, didn’t blow the whistle on the others.
The “good doctor” myth goes along with the “good cop” myth and the “good politician” myth. If there were enough good ones, there wouldn’t be any bad ones.
I’ve been reading a book for a while now, an hour at a time, before going to sleep, it’s called Heroes and Heretics by Barrows Dunham. Published in 1964, it’s a general history of the Christian faith from the death of Jesus, marking out different cults, sects and their origins and the cause of the differing views on Christianity. In a lot of ways, I find the book incorrect and demeaning of the faith, but it’s written quite well and there’s still knowledge within that’s valuable to me. Until last night; when describing the Inquisition, Dunham nailed exactly what has become of our pandemic.
The pandemic has been used as a means of accomplishing an inquisition against what Pelosi, Schumer and McConnell consider heretics, i.e., the Trumpers. While that definition of red-blooded Americans who believe in the nation and the sovereignty of the individual, is crass and dismissive, they find them such a threat to their corrupt hegemony that they feel the need to impose an inquisition and to use the excuse of the pandemic to achieve it. It can, as accurately, describe the attitude of the communist toward the individual. The idea that the Democrats might have conspired with the Chinese Communist Party (CCP) to develop and implement such a bioweapon attack to arrive at a communist solution to the threat of the free world is less and less a stretch as that collusion becomes more and more clear to the average American on other issues.