A coming winter surge and the spread of Omicron have made it clear that COVID is everyone’s problem.
Even before the arrival of Omicron, the winter months were going to be tough for parts of the United States. While COVID transmission rates in the South caught fire over the summer, the Northeast and Great Plains states were largely spared thanks to cyclical factors and high vaccination rates. But weather and the patterns of human life were bound to shift the disease burden northward for the holidays—and that was just with Delta. Enter a new variant that appears better able to evade immunity, and that seasonal wave could end up a tsunami.
Back in July, CDC Director Rochelle Walensky announced that COVID had become “a pandemic of the unvaccinated,” an unfortunate turn of phrase that was soon picked up by the president. Now the flaws in its logic are about to be exposed on what could be a terrifying scale. Unvaccinated Americans will certainly pay the steepest price in the months to come, but the risks appear to have grown for everyone. The pandemic of the vaccinated can no longer be denied.
The 60 percent of Americans who are fully vaccinated could soon find their lives looking very different. For much of the summer and fall, those who had received two Pfizer or Moderna doses or one Johnson & Johnson shot were told that they were essentially bulletproof, especially if they were young and healthy. But preliminary data from South Africa and Europe now suggest that two vaccine doses alone might still allow for frequent breakthrough infections and rapid spread of the disease—even if hospitalization and death remain unlikely. Getting three shots, or two shots plus a previous bout of COVID, seems to offer more protection. For Saad Omer, the director of the Yale Institute for Global Health, that’s enough evidence to justify changing the CDC’s definition of full vaccination. “With Omicron and the data emerging, I think there is no reason why we shouldn’t have a pretty strong push for everyone to have boosters,” he told me.
Read: Stop calling it a ‘pandemic of the unvaccinated’
At this point, the CDC has recorded that less than a quarter of adults who are fully vaccinated under the existing definition have gotten a third shot. That leaves about 150 million people who are vaccinated but unboosted. Given that the people in this group are less protected against infection, they’re at greater risk of passing on the disease to unvaccinated or partially vaccinated kids, as well as to unvaccinated or immunologically vulnerable adults. They will also pass the coronavirus more readily among themselves. Settings that might have previously seemed safe for vaccinated folks—say, a restaurant or performance venue that strictly checks vaccination status—could become fertile ground for transmission, because the people inside them are more likely to catch and spread the virus. Indeed, anecdotal reports already suggest that large indoor gatherings of fully vaccinated people can become super-spreader events in the age of Omicron.
Article is complete bull shit‼️
If we had chronicled any of the previous influenza outbreaks or if we simply tracked the seasonal flu and rhinovirus events with the sensationalism and hyperbole that is”symptomatic” with this demon bug we would see the same irrational fears emerge from the sheeple.
For those who fear God but not man, who put their trust in God, not man, and those who believe God’s understanding of events is beyond any man, we will continue to have a peace beyond understanding while at the same time asking “how much longer, Lord?”
🖕I’ve had enough of this crap…
Not to worry there are only 3500 strains of the Covid virus—-And as of yet as I have stated before--they have not even isolated the Corona Virus in a soup dish. The PCR test is being dropped (worthless) and a new version is coming out—--can’t wait, I guess if you are breathing you got one of the 3500 variants. Remember the mask blocks almost nothing but you can still wear it if you decide to rob a bank or something—ok that last part was a joke in case some govt agent is reading this—--
What a spectacular piece of pure propaganda.