The Path Forward

Two facts:

  1. Barack Obama’s birth certificate is fraudulent. He was never able to be the legitimate President of the United States.
  2. Joe Biden was fraudulently elected President of the United States. Fraud vitiates elections.

This means that any laws passed under their “administrations” are not valid. Any regulations or actions taken under laws signed by them during their tenure are invalid. If we are to return to the rule of law, we must start with the truth.

Does Donald Trump think the American people can handle the truth?

David DeGerolamo

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1 month ago

Thanks for bringing this to the forefront once again. We can def handle these truths. This is more recent and should precede the 9/11, Epstein and assassination disclosures. It’s time. LFG.

Al Buckner
Al Buckner
1 month ago

Yes, President Trump knows most Americans can handle the truth. Of course, major explosives will happen on the Left.
LOL…… I can hear it now “conspiracy theories, conspiracy.”

Mike in Canada
Mike in Canada
1 month ago

That is an outstanding question…. the degree, pacing, and sheer amount of truth being distributed lately on the American people in particular is considerable. Are they ready for it all? That is a real cause to wonder. Bear in mind, if you would, the stress of having most if not all of your preconceived notions definitively shown to be fraudulent; institutions, structures, what you thought were laws, the whole thing, all of it (or a good portion of it) proven false. A lifetime of buying in, having faith, believing in the systems, all shown to have been a con job. That is an enormous thing.
What do you do with that information?
It would be easy to, say, presume that everything was false, and behave accordingly. The law doesn’t apply, there is no right or wrong, it doesn’t matter what you do…. however it was phrased.
This might become spicier than had been anticipated.

David Bovender
David Bovender
1 month ago

The income tax has to go. They stole 1\2 of my lifetime earnings for what. Lies, Failed wars, payola, corruption, etc. They have finally kicked the crusty turd. It’s gonna get nasty. Best be prepared.

1 month ago

I would argue that any Executive Orders signed during their administrations are invalid;
But any law passed by Congress & Senate and signed by them is still valid;
However, any law passed by Congress & Senate but vetoed by them should be reinstated;

This would still beg the question about laws passed by Congressmen and Senators who were illegitimately elected.

1 month ago
Reply to  DRenegade

perhaps laws passed and signed by illegitimate presidents are invalid according to strict interpretations of the mechanics of passing legislation; yet laws passed by Congress & Senate (supposedly) reflect the will of The People, regardless of the legitimacy of the president. By that standard those laws should stand, as they haven’t passed or failed according the whims of an unelected president.
Laws passed by Congress & Senate which have been vetoed by an illegitimate president, should be reintroduced under our new president.

1 month ago
Reply to  poppi

Use logic in a consistent manner. Integrity must be demanded across the entire legislative process or the product is flawed.

If a veto by an illegitimate president is unlawful, a ratification by an illegitimate president is similarly unlawful.

Bills ratified by an illegitimate president could be reintroduced in a similar manner as bills vetoed.

Also to challenge your assertion -- the overwhelming majority of legislation that issues from government does not reflect ‘the will of the people’ … remember how we were told “we have to pass the bill to see what is in it” … ?

The current activities of POTUS and DOGE are much more closely aligned with ‘the will of the people’ than anything created in Congress.

Lee Vail AKA Kalev Efrayim
Lee Vail AKA Kalev Efrayim
1 month ago

Most of us on here know those two facts to be true.
Unfortunately, SCOTUS will refuse to take these two cases if ever brought forward. And, I don’t believe Trump will ever look into these two facts.

1 month ago

Aye. The consequence of these truths would be akin to a CW2. Too much honesty killed Jesus the Christ as well.

1 month ago

Word. It is one thing to know the truth. It is another thing entirely to prove it. In my life experience as a student at a Catholic high school and public state college in the 1960’s, and as a Peace Officer and schoolteacher thereafter, I subscribe to H.L. Mencken’s observation: NO ONE EVER WENT BROKE UNDERESTIMATING THE INTELLIGENCE OF THE AMERICAN PEOPLE. Americans as a group are stupid and naive.
Look how long it took the American public to come to terms with the truth about the assassinations of JFK and RFK. And there are still people out there who refuse to believe it. Let’s add the Viet Nam War into the mix, and over 58,000 American lives lost. Let’s go clear back to Frank the Cripple and Winston Churchill, conniving via the attack on Pearl Harbor to get Americans and American money to further the Rothschild-backed, corrupt British government, not to mention saving Stalin’s Communist ass.
I will stop my rant because you all get my drift. As far as what the Golden Golem and Elon have up their sleeves, I hope justice is served and the unlawful expropriation of my and my tribe’s honest earned wealth stops. What was stolen from us must be restored sevenfold. Bleib ubrig.

1 month ago

Yes, I agree with you, all, of these crimes committed by the sodomite Obama and the fake Biden win must be fully investigated and Bondi needs to locate the FBI files on Obama because they knew he was not a citizen and covered it all up for their own power and self-preservation. The FBI also was fully aware of Biden losing with massive voter fraud and the FBI covered it up. the FBI most likely destroyed the records on Obama, and if so, then the agents involved in the shredding process must be imprisoned.

Terry Clinch
Terry Clinch
1 month ago

On a side note and opening a can of worms…the woman who certified Obama’s birth certificate died from “irregular heartbeat” in a small plane crash in Hawaii in 2013. Her deputy, Keith yamamoto was with her and took her position afterwards. She was the only death out of nine on board. Pilot said he heard a muffled bang and lost engine power. Things that make you go hmmm

1 month ago

How does anyone propose to set aside 12 years of fraud ? It is an impossible task.
Yes, what happened was outside of the laws but the intertwined actions, some good, mostly bad, cannot now be undone.
Wanting and deserving justice does not make those ideals magically appear.
Until some genius figures out how to erase all of the illegal actions, I will not jump onto this bandwagon. There are far too many wolves at our door today than to spend decades trying to get our pound of flesh for past injustices.
We need to focus on what is in front of us and not get side-tracked on tail-chasing vendettas….

Randolph Scott
Randolph Scott
1 month ago
Reply to  173dVietVet

The deserving justice will never be given any of the political scum

Last edited 1 month ago by Randolph Scott
1 month ago

There will never be the perfect time to inform and convince people that they’ve been deceived, so there is no advantage to waiting when the truth is right before us. In my opinion, in any group of people in all countries, there will always be 1/3 who have already accepted the truth, 1/3 who are open to learning there is truth, and 1/3 who are too afraid to be confronted by their own cowardice. Let us not lose the middle 1/3 who are on the fence and capable of getting their eyes opened just because we are worried about stepping on the toes of the last 1/3.

1 month ago

While true NO COURT will ever rule in support of this reality.

1 month ago

I will never forget what Beck said about that challenge when he left FOX…
you can bet his comments were expunged!!