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4 years ago

Help me out here. Why is Zombie Farmer wearing a mask in all his videos now?
With regard to a 3rd party. As much as I like the idea, it will not work. From city to county we need to root out every RINO and rebuild the Republican Party from the ground up. Hard work and yes, it will take a lot of time.

4 years ago
Reply to  Wes Rhinier

I think it’s a little late for that.

4 years ago
Reply to  Brewer55

Let’s get the Patriot Party organized and invite the republicans with the excepton of RINOS to join us.

4 years ago
Reply to  Brewer55

Rebuild the Republican party. From it’s beginning it was the party that trampled the Constitution and continued through to this day. Now is the time to stop and look at where we are at and how we got here. It is because we have been played. There has never really been two parties just on playing a good cop, bad cop game and we sucked up.

Now that any opposition to the lords of the land is sedition and the control almost all means of communication. There is no voting your way out. This will require men to be men and stand up and say no and mean it. I really think the best option is secede, but I am afraid that most are too tied to socialist programs to gather enough people in an area to do that. I hope I am wrong.

Truth in Tension
Truth in Tension
4 years ago
Reply to  Brewer55

The Republican Party came from the old mercantilist Whig Party. The Whig Party due to it’s corruption could not be saved, so they rebranded as the Republican Party with Lincoln and then proceeded to destroy the Southern States and kill tens of thousands of their fellow country men in the war of Northern Aggression / States Rights. Yes, they also destroyed the constitution.

The Republican Party is primarily a International Socialist organization consisting of RINO’s, pretend to be conservatives and traitors. Throw off the mind control, and realize that both the Democrat Party and the Republican Party are controlled by the same central bankers and globalist new world order organizations.

I contacted Texas U.S. Senator Cornyn and asked him why he did not side with President Trump and with the suit at Supreme Court that Texas filed regarding the election fraud. Senator Cornyn’s response of January 22, 2021 ” I followed the election recounts and court cases brought by the President’s legal team very closely, and determined the evidence and arguments presented did not warrant overturning the election results.” There you have it another RINO. I am ashamed that he is a Senator from the Great State of Texas.

The Republican Party plays the role of the last hope for conservatives and patriots, but they always disappoint because they are part of the globalist controlled narrative. The Republican Party is dead. Biological organism such as the Democrat and Republican Parties cannot be changed or rebuild.

4 years ago

It’s time for a new political party. Republican party is dead.

4 years ago

Thank you for all that you do for us. We Patriots will always stand together and never give up.
You are not alone dear brother. We have been putting up with a lot of crap, and thank God for Patriots like you who keep us informed. We are in this together and you have us to lean on. We will fight the battle and win. So help me God.
We win in the end.
Best Always,

4 years ago

No “politician” will ever truly embrace the Constitution because it limits THEM!!
We need term limits… no more life timers and we need to try to revive the idea of
statesmen….people that truly care about the people.

4 years ago

They stole it all. We have been hog tied, crippled and shut down--lights out. Why create a new party when the system is rigged against us? Our only recourse is the Quiet Professionals who liberate the oppressed. Who swore to uphold the Constitution and defend from foreign and domestic enemies. Knock, knock…..are you there? Maybe we need to become that New America within the Faux America. A new nation needs to be reborn and occupy with God as the King of Kings. I do not comply with a criminal corporate organization, it goes against my spirit.

4 years ago

The system is rigged in favor of the the uniparty. Just ask the Libertarian Party, they’ve been trying to get a seat at the table now for how long? 40, 50 years?

With the Tea Party, as it formed, putting the fear into the establishment until it could be infiltrated, they made double sure no other party could get a space at the trough.

The Tea Party started out as a truly leaderless movement. It was when it got infiltrated by establishment cucks, offering to bring money into the movement, that it became irrelevant. Remember, Paul Ryan was a Tea Party darling, until he wasn’t.

So now that one of the two major player parties cannot even win an election with over 80 million legitimate votes, because of cheating on the other side, just how in the world is a third party even going to make an impact? Don’t people get it? THEY ARE THE ONES WHO COUNT THE VOTES!
If voting could make a difference, they would outlaw it.

Hell, just call the new party, “The Vote Harder Party”.


Every thinking person knows what needs to happen, but nobody wants to talk about it because they really have no idea how to go about it. My thoughts are that is because the moral compass our Founders had has been so distorted that even righteous men and women in this country are not sure what needs to be done to make things better again. There is much confusion and fear out there, even among good folks. If I had the answers, I’d offer them up, but I’m just as confused as the next person, it seems.