The Patriots’ Great Commission

Matthew 28:16-20

The Great Commission

 Then the eleven disciples went to Galilee, to the mountain where Jesus had told them to go. When they saw him, they worshiped him; but some doubted. Then Jesus came to them and said, “All authority in heaven and on earth has been given to me. Therefore go and make disciples of all nations, baptizing them in the name of the Father and of the Son and of the Holy Spirit, and teaching them to obey everything I have commanded you. And surely I am with you always, to the very end of the age.”

Point 1:

I admit that I intentionally try to not interact with other people so I am pointing a finger at myself too. How many Christians are fulfilling the Great Commission? How many Christians are questioning their church’s lack of faith in the Biblical concepts of morality, gender and protection of our children? Or have you left the “church” because of its complicity with the government?


The moral fabric of the nation has been eroded in order to replace God with the State. I do not have to ask you if this has been effective.

Point 2:

We will never organize and regain Liberty until we stop fighting amongst ourselves. We have a course of action to fight evil: unite and stand against an illegal government using truth. Instead we are misled and misdirected by both sides.


Shawn Farash made a short video explaining how the Biden administration removed protection for child sex trafficking. Someone on this site gave this a 1 star rating.

What should Christians who understand Jesus’s statements concerning the protection of children be doing? I do not know if this is the other side attacking (one of many attacks made every day here) or if this is someone on “our side” who is trying to troll (agitate).

The points are similar. Christians do not fulfill the Great Commission and the consequences are apparent: the country is immoral, decaying and has replaced God with a state construct based in evil. Patriots do not fulfill the obligations set forth by our founding fathers.

The illegal administration and political elite marginalize patriots as “white supremacists” even though all ethnicities are participating in restoring the country. Many people are retreating into themselves or smaller (very small) groups. This is due to the unprecedented level of illegal government surveillance and infiltration of the people who are fighting evil.

I understand. What else can we do but submit and hide? I want you to consider the following:

Bud Light sales plunge 28.5% ahead of July 4, sister brands slammed in wake of Dylan Mulvaney disaster


Dylan Mulvaney leaves the US ‘to feel safe’ amid Bud Light backlash

We do have power to influence our future. People banded together and the price Anheuser-Busch is paying for supporting the transgender movement has proven to be great. Corporate America still colludes with the administration promoting sexual perversion such as financial support of parades during “pride month”. Can anyone imagine trying explain this evil to any of our founding fathers? The people who make this country great are integral to its Liberty and economic security. The above Bud Light example proves it. What if we did the same to Blackrock and Vanguard: withdraw our consent and closed our accounts (if you have them) with these two “influencers”.

Let’s take this “win” and consider the concept of a Patriots’ Great Commission:

  1. Fight for Liberty. This means gathering information on the enemy so that we can form intelligence on how to limit or eliminate their effects. Economic targets: Large banks, Blackrock, Vanguard, Target, health care providers. Political targets: any federal institution or agency. Non-compliance (like the illegal AR-9 butt stock regulation) is a good start. Reporting FBI criminal acts to the FBI is another.
  2. Stop fighting with other good people. Research public virtue and understand that humility is better than the sin of pride. Followship makes good leadership. Listening is an effective tool for sapient action.
  3. Do not follow people on “our side” who promote disinformation. A good example is the false reporting by some blogs on how Ukraine is winning the war. Disinformation is the best tool of evil to keep us divided.
  4. The truth is on our side: do not be concerned with infiltrators from the government or its three letter agencies. We do not have justice in the country for patriots but we do have the light of truth.
  5. As with the Great Commission, spread the word about our great country. The people who marginalize the concept of MAGA (Make America Great Again) are nothing more than traitors. Who would not want to make their country great? Interact and discuss today’s issues with other people and encourage them to spread the word.

Consider this concept and add comments to codify and enhance this commission further.

David DeGerolamo

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Ron Parks
Ron Parks
1 year ago

Amen! Thank you David. Very well said.

1 year ago

Excellent article.
I agree.
“ Christians do not fulfill the Great Commission and the consequences are apparent: the country is immoral, decaying and has replaced God with a state construct based in evil. Patriots do not fulfill the obligations set forth by our founding fathers.”

1 year ago

“The people who marginalize the concept of MAGA (Make America Great Again) are nothing more than traitors.”

That is false, perhaps because it wasn’t qualified. There are many prophecies stating that America will not be great again. The most likely opportunity to have turned things around was probably about seventy years ago. If men are what is desired why weren’t they cultivated and why was this allowed (re: the many different genders inculcated now)? Decades long rote memorization effectively describes the classroom experience. Many that are antithetical manage the money system because the rest weren’t properly taught. The decision to not make America great again was made several decades ago. Reversing some of the damage would entail dismantling most of the churches (those stumbling blocks towards effecting needed change, refusing to attend educational and academic institutions and according settings…real direct action). Why is it that it won’t happen in any relative peacetime atmosphere?

“Who would not want to make their country great?”

People who have voted and voted and realized it’s a rigged game for instance. The people who no longer vote knowing it’s an artificial construct (as is the whole left/right paradigm). Those that work diligently, a reasonable amount of hours, or way more hours that what can reasonably be expected of someone and they still can’t pay their bills. There is only so much energy one has and can apply to the facade of “America”. The actuality is this country is bounty to be divided up by the the nations. What good was it to have the Constitution memorized but have no civic landscape with which to administer it? It’s a document that benefits the elites quite simply, or perhaps those individuals that can afford to purchase some of their ‘rights’, i.e., by being able to afford a lawyer. The ending of the American experiment offers a new thing. How about looking to that, rather than to old wine?

1 year ago
Reply to  DRenegade

The points were clearly articulated. What specific content are you referring to?

1 year ago
Reply to  Z-La

Z-la if people repeatedly ask you to explain your run-on thoughts.

It’s NOT Clearly Articulated.

THIS is your common refrain in many posts:

The ending of the American experiment offers a new thing. How about looking to that, rather than to old wine?

So, articulate to me why do you post here Z-la?

In case you fail to understand the question the TITLE of this Article is “The Patriots Great Commision” and your saying BURY the American Experiment, are you not?

1 year ago
Reply to  Z-La

You always drivel on and on about nothing. I swear I always have to slap myself just to wake myself from the comma you induced. Just go away already.

1 year ago

Behold the opening of a can of worms ! My personal opinion on why the FUSA is in such bad shape is the Holy Spirit has departed and written Ichabod over the door of the church. I haven’t run into a pastor or layperson who has seen the Holy Spirit move in the last 20+ years. The FUSA has killed 63million babies since 1973. There is no remedy for the shedding of that innocent blood (individual -- yes, nationally -- no.) Nationally, we are under the curse of God for those killings. There are people out there witnessing to the Truths of salvation by Grace. There are hardly any lost who are interested (which is a function of the Holy Spirit.) I don’t know any pastors who have witnessed and lead someone to the Lord in at least the past 5years. The Church used to be in the world, now the world is in the Church and the Church is comfortable and complacent. There is no sorrow within the Church for the sins of the Church (also a Holy Spirit thing.)

1 year ago
Reply to  Steiner

It’s the churches, workplaces, higher learning institutions, government, military, and also stems from peer pressure, familial coercion, media entire army against the unborn, and globally. There are also reportedly cells from aborted babies in most of the foods and many of the medicines we use. A people not even in control of their own food supply. Everything mostly in effect, is trickle down from the elites in terms of how systems are run and the components thereof, in clearly maintaining a stilted public.

“A Protestant denomination that claims to follow Christ passed a pro-abortion resolution this week that describes aborting unborn babies as “health care” and pro-life laws as “sexual violence.

The United Church of Christ General Synod overwhelmingly passed the resolution “Proclaiming Abortion as Healthcare” in a 611-24 vote, according to the denomination website.”…

…”The new UCC resolution describes abortion as “healthcare” and a “right.” It goes on to condemn “all laws banning abortion or restricting access to reproductive health services” – language that suggests the denomination supports abortions for any reason up to birth, including elective late-term abortions on viable babies and sex-selection abortions.

Additionally, the document maligns pro-life laws that protect unborn babies’ lives. It argues that “forced birth is an act of sexual violence and the choice to have and care for children is a sacred decision which should not be forced upon anyone.””

Francis W. Porretto
Francis W. Porretto
1 year ago

We will never organize and regain Liberty until we stop fighting amongst ourselves.

The great Thomas Szasz wrote in his book The Untamed Tongue that “Freedom is what you demand for yourself but would deny to others.” There’s immense insight in those twelve words. A huge percentage of people will say to you that “I’m all for freedom, but--” And then comes the list of exceptions. Is it plausible that such persons, as desirous of coercing others as they are of being uncoerced themselves, would make comfortable allies?
Such “freedom lovers” are a long way from endorsing Herbert Spencer’s Law of Equal Freedom. (“Each shall have freedom to do all that he wills, except that he infringe not the equal freedom of others.”) They seem to me to lack an understanding of the concept. But I do tend to rattle on in these, my declining years.

1 year ago

Yep, as Pogo said “We have met the enemy and it is us”.

Anarchy doesn’t work, asking folks to be good neighbors requires accepted basic rules, like don’t murder folks and don’t steal his wife.

Oddly I seem to have hear some old rules like that somewhere.

Francis W. Porretto
Francis W. Porretto
1 year ago
Reply to  DRenegade

I do think, given current attitudes, that it will be difficult at best. For example, try convincing a hard-core Drug Warrior that if he wants to be free to medicate himself without having to petition a “licensed physician” for a prescription, he must grant the same freedom to those who want to take any of the illegal recreational drugs. A lot of people who claim to be passionate about “freedom” have lists of exceptions. They don’t realize what that does to the concept — or how it arms the enemies of freedom against us.

June J
June J
1 year ago

“Stop fighting with other good people.”
Seems ironic that in this comments section that the above is not being followed. Someone disagrees or makes an alternate point and is attacked.
Feel free to attack me now for not being 100% in agreement with you.

1 year ago
Reply to  June J

Is discussion an attack against you?

100 percent agreement isn’t discussion its a cult.