Two topics we’ve deemed critically important to a thorough understanding of both global finance and the shifting geopolitical landscape are the death of the petrodollar and the idea of yuan hegemony.
Last November, in “How The Petrodollar Quietly Died And No One Noticed,” we said the following about the slow motion demise of the system that has served to perpetuate decades of dollar dominance:
Two years ago, in hushed tones at first, then ever louder, the financial world began discussing that which shall never be discussed in polite company – the end of the system that according to many has framed and facilitated the US Dollar’s reserve currency status: the Petrodollar, or the world in which oil export countries would recycle the dollars they received in exchange for their oil exports, by purchasing more USD-denominated assets, boosting the financial strength of the reserve currency, leading to even higher asset prices and even more USD-denominated purchases, and so forth, in a virtuous (especially if one held US-denominated assets and printed US currency) loop.
the death of the dollar is here and since it is now dead watch what the banks do to peoples savings/checking accounts. They will begin to steal the depositors money due to losses they incurred on there own via there own bad investments. Did any one remember the lonely little case out of New York, it was kept somewhat silent and without any fanfare about three years ago. A Federal Judge ruled when depositors make deposits into his or her bank accounts they run the risk of losing all there money. The Federal Judge stated the bank can invest your money any way it seems fit to them, and if it loses those investments you would have no right to your deposits being returned to and you will have no recourse in the matter. The judge stated, when depositors put money into the bank they lose all rights to there own money because it was “voluntary” by you. So the Federal Whore judge like a good little new world order foot soldier, sold out every bank depositor in the U.S., the judge acted out of pure lawlessness and recklessness against the American people. I don’t give advice to anyone , but its only a suggestion, begin removing money out of any accounts slowly and purchase some silver and Gold, but you need hard assets also, food ,guns, ammo, anything that has hard value.
Most everyone who keeps up with global economic issues expects this trend to continue. The alarming part to me is the illiteracy of the American electorate. The average person on the street does not know the imminence of RMB inclusion in the IMF Special Drawing Rights (SDR) schema, or why it matters. Even the moderately informed can see, or feel the premonition of national debasement by seeing the World’s top petroleum producing country, Russia, cutting mega-deals with the world’s largest economy and top gold producing country, China -- all to the exclusion and irrelevancy of the U.S. Dollar. Maybe it’s merciful that most Americans don’t see the suffering ahead. Then again, maybe we will finally wake up and smell the dim-sum.
Shalom in Yeshua and in Liberty to all,
John K. in Sylva
You are right on John,but it will be far worse then anyone could imagine. Wait till the theft of the dumb electorate bank accounts begin , we will watch them howl and cry like the idiots and uniformed fools they are. There are far to many of these fools sitting in front of the TV on Saturday and Sunday in an utter stupor over Football, Baseball, Basketball, etc. These things are far more important to them as they drink there beer and eat there potato chips to worry about whats headed there way. These idiots are to lazy to get off the couch and read the news on where our nation is headed, and how bad its become. It’s this crowd that will be hit the hardest. the poor schlep on the government dole has nothing to lose, they have no savings/checking, only there EBT cards, and when that fails and they cant get the money out for there smokes, Beer, chips and burgers, watch what happens.
The nation is headed into a fast nose dive with no return, only pain and suffering will be the order of the day. Us people who believe in Christ will be the only ones to overcome this new world scheme foisted on our nation. The same leadership we presently have right now is the group that is steering the ship right into the iceberg and they to will suffer for what they done to there nation, all for GREED, POWER and MONEY. Christ stated, the love of money is the root of evil. There own greed will convict them and no one is coming to there aid.