The Pope Says This Christmas Is A ‘Charade’ And That For Some People ‘It May Be Their Last’

Pope Francis - Photo by Jeffrey Bruno

Pope Francis sure does say a lot of strange things. I don’t think that any other Pope throughout history has ever called Christmas a “charade” or has suggested that for many people this Christmas “may be their last”. What in the world would cause Pope Francis to adopt such an ominous tone? Without a doubt, the leader of the largest religious organization in the entire world would be privy to information that would not be available to ordinary people like you and I. Could it be possible that he is aware of something that is coming that is going to dramatically change life on this planet? What we do know is that our world is becoming increasingly unstable. World War III threatens to erupt in the Middle East at any time, the number of terror attacks around the globe continues to increase, earthquake activity continues to rise, giant cracks are opening up in the ground all over the world, and we are rapidly plunging into a brand new global financial crisis. There is certainly a lot to be concerned about, but what would make the Pope so glum that he would actually call Christmas a “charade”?

One of the primary reasons why the Pope is so down is all of the war that is going on all over the planet right now. It was in the context of talking about war that he made this recent statement about Christmas being “a charade”

Pope Francis has declared in a sermon that Christmas this year will be a “charade” because “the whole world is at war”.

The pontiff’s speech at the Vatican came after terrorist attacks in France claimed the lives of 129 people; a Russian plane was bombed and dozens of people were killed in a double suicide attack in Lebanon.

Speaking during Mass at the Casa Santa Maria, he said: “We are close to Christmas. There will be lights, there will be parties, bright trees, even Nativity scenes – all decked out – while the world continues to wage war.”

“It’s all a charade. The world has not understood the way of peace. The whole world is at war.”

And what he has said is actually true. War and civil conflict are breaking out all over the planet, and all of this violence threatens to spiral out of control as we head into 2016.


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9 years ago

The Pope Says This Christmas Is A ‘Charade’ And That For Some People ‘It May Be Their Last’”

I hope it’s HIS last -- miserable son of a jackal!

9 years ago

The leader of manmade religion speaks truth. For this so called christmas holiday is totally MANMADE. Not a FEAST of GOD. We are told to worship no false idols. What of those twinkling trees in your homes? What of the St. Nick stories? Has he not become a god or worship of another color? It is so easy to allow “feel good” holidays sneak there way into our lives. Go back to the OLD Testament and read of the FEASTS required for us to SHEMA!
There is no christmas in our bibles. christmas is a manmade religion that was spawned from the worship of idols long after Yeshua’s arrival as “Messiah”.
The POPE knows this oh so well. For it is his unholy vatican Constantinian forefathers that CREATED this ungodly false holiday worship.