The President of the United States

April Fools. Joe Biden is the biggest fool in the history of American politics. Never forget that this man was not elected President of the United States and is a traitor.

David DeGerolamo

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3 years ago

Only in his mind is he the “Playskool” president.

3 years ago

I remember as a young child and later as I got older, my mother and grand mother would always tell me ” If you can’t say anything nice about person, then don’t say anything at all “, but by god it’s getting harder and harder to keep my mouth shut and say anything nice or good about the current administration and Obama’s BS ( and yes I’ll agree that Trump was an a-- too, but at least he was trying to help the U.S citizens and not screw them over, Did he screw up ? yes he did, but he didn’t have an axe to grind either). Do I know what I’m talking about, probably not. but it is my opinion after watching the political bull s— since I got out of H.S. in the mid 60’s.

3 years ago

Yes…This joke has gone on long enough and it is way past time for it to end.