The Presidential Inaugural Prayer Breakfast from the Author of “The Harbinger”

From YouTube:

Many have posted, regarding school shootings, “I asked God where He was when all this happened and He told me ‘I’m not welcome in schools’.” Often, that sounds like a crass, uncaring, and thoughtless reply. At the 2013 Presidential Inaugural Prayer Breakfast, Rabbi Jonathan Cahn made a much more detailed explanation of why such tragedies happen and are continually happening, in America.

This video was removed once by its original poster, but re-posted later. Requests may come to have it removed again. If that happens, continue to look for Jonathan, author of “The Harbinger” on YouTube. Keep the truth out there.

h/t Roger S.

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12 years ago

Everytime this video is posted it is removed soon after…

People of God
Continue to find it’s new postings and repost so that all may hear!
Even as God sent His prophets to the deaf leaders in Israel of Old’s day, so has He sent Jonathan Cahn for one last warning to America’s leaders.

Their response!!

To remove the message so the people at large cannot hear.

Therein you have their answer to this warning from God…

As Israel of old said they have said “We will NOT listen!” as evidenced by their removal of this continually from the internet!

Linda Starr
12 years ago

ron parker
ron parker
12 years ago

thank you

2 Corinthians 11:3
2 Corinthians 11:3
12 years ago

Talented preacher…I was saying “amen” and I was with him (and his timely message of the need to repent of our personal & national sins!) until about the 14th minute when he began to claim that “exact” “mysteries” & “harbingers” exist in the Bible that he thinks, specifically, are “prophesied in the book of Isaiah and are referring to America.” Good grief. Isaiah was a prophet for Israel. Now, surely, we are to apply Isaiah and all the Bible’s teachings to our lives, but the notion that the U.S. is mentioned in the Bible is simply groundless. No high-level interpreters, liberal of conservative, take such a notion seriously. God doesn’t use “secret codes” or the like to communicate to us. He speaks clearly! The speaker has forgotten the first rule of Bible interpretation: “The Bible was not written to us…but it was written for us.” In other words, it was written to original audiences within specific historic contexts (& not ours). But, we need not fret—there’s a lifetime of applications that can truly transform our lives for Christ’s sake!

So while the speaker has a good message (i.e., need for radical repentance), his interpretive scheme is tantamount to “Christian witchcraft” in which “secret interpretations” distract us (like the Gnostics once did) from simple focus on the clear teachings in the Bible about Jesus.

So I’ll separate the “chaff” (“secret mysteries/harbingers”) from the “wheat” (call to repent)!

12 years ago
Reply to  DRenegade

I second that, as least as far as The Harbinger is concerned. The parallels are stunning.