The Price Of Tyranny – T.L. Davis

TLDavisKeith Pantaleon sits in jail, the victim of illegal police action. Further details of the case are as follows: the landlord where Keith lived explained that another tenant, one known for making numerous complaints called the police to make the landlord fix the heat in the apartment. The heat was regulated from Keith’s apartment. The landlord was forced by the police to enter Keith’s apartment without warrant or warning. The landlord explained it as if they gave him no choice, demanding he open the apartment immediately. When Keith heard them enter, he grabbed is pistol in a zipped gun case and headed to the door. Seeing the police, he pitched the case back onto his bed.

Without provocation, the police demanded to know what he had in his hand and was led back into the bedroom, where the police identified the gun case, confiscated it and searched his apartment for other weapons, confiscating them all and charging him with possession of illegal firearms and magazines.


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