The Progression of Man

Victims of genocide

PERHAPS the most short-sighted aspect of our modern culture is the notion that we are on a linear path of advancement. That we are leaving behind, in the wake of human achievement, the barbarism and narrow-minded thinking of past generations and cultures. That we are loosening the shackles of prejudice and intolerance and marching toward a more democratic, free, and civilized world.

This assumption is not only false, but dangerous.

In truth, as we approach 2014, we see our world economies teetering on the brink of collapse due to the self-indulgent policies of the Western world; genocides, ethnic cleansings, and sectarian violence are on the rise in the Eastern world; hundreds of millions are starving worldwide despite enough food to feed the planet; freedoms of average citizens are evaporating globally in the name of “fighting terrorism”; abortion, assisted-suicide, and euthanasia are continuing to be promoted as “solutions” to inconvenience, suffering, and perceived “over-population”; human trafficking in sex, slavery, and organs is on the rise; pornography, in particular, child pornography, is exploding all over the world; media and entertainment are increasingly transfixed with the most base and dysfunctional aspects of human relations; technology, far from bringing about the liberation of man, has arguably produced a new form of slavery whereby it demands more time, money, and resources to “keep up” with the times; and tensions between nations armed with weapons of mass destruction, far from abating, are bringing humanity closer to a Third World War.

Indeed, just when some presumed that the world was moving toward a less prejudiced, caring, equal society, securing human rights for all, it is taking a turn in the other direction:


h/t Hermit Sister

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