The Purpose of the Vaxx

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Arch Stanton
Arch Stanton
1 year ago

If you believe a syllable of this jibberish, I have a hog farm in Saudi Arabia to sell you. And a pre-owned 5.0 mustang.

1 year ago
Reply to  Arch Stanton

I’m confused: Did you have some kind of information to share? An argument perhaps? Some line of reasoning? Anything?

1 year ago
Reply to  Arch Stanton

Arch, pick up and read Dr. Deborah Brix bio/book, she admits in the text that, she and the little fraud-ci knew well that the vax wouldn’t do anything. she says here over-played, read they lied! Also the guy talking about the PCR, that’s the inventor of the test, so not all gibberish.

1 year ago
Reply to  Arch Stanton

I went to Food Lion with a coin purse at 10:30pm so I wouldn’t freak anybody out. The Smiths ground pork was magnetic. The coin stuck. Nothing else did… Two weeks ago I started hearing on alt news (Karen Kingston on Substack) that pork has been receiving mRNA injections (fake vaccines) for the last 6 years. Who eats the most pork in the USA? Why choose pork to do that to first? Did you know that real grass fed pork is actually pink?
The FDA just authorized the Angus cow to be GMO’ed for heat resistance. The National Organic Standards Board at the USDA works it’s ass off to add every possible chemical -- inert or otherwise -- to the schedule, so don’t believe “USDA Organic” is organic. It is NOT. I read those regs and proposed changes… USDA has been killing us for DECADES.
And that’s just food. Each piece of this little video compilation is available in a longer format that is mind blowing for those who are NOT psychopathic. Check out Martha Stout’s books on psychopathy. One in 25 people have this zero conscience disorder. That’s 4 people out of 100. That’s A LOT of fucked up people. They tend to be smart and very devious. How would you live your life if you could do anything to anyone at anytime and know you could get away with it because no one would ever believe you could do such a thing?
The people with the courage to stand up to the psychopaths are mostly gone. Those of us who still can, must train others on how to spot them and get them OUT of positions of responsibility over us. I vote Nancy Pelosi goes first and Anthony Fauci second.

1 year ago

RFK Jr interviews Sasha Latypova, an expert on reading Pharma contracts. Look her up on substack

Basically the Dept of Defense told Pfizer and other Pharma companies to produce these unlicensed shots using Dept of Defense laws that “were not the same laws” used to produce these shots according to FDA rules and regulations.

The shots were produced under Dept. of Defense laws for “demonstration product” or another term “military prototype product.”

There was no liability, no standards necessary, no clinical trials required, and the batches of shots manufactured were not all the same.

The Dept. of Defense created the contract and owned all the shots.

There was no quality of control required. They lied to the entire world scaring people, forcing people to lose their jobs, and committed authoritarian control globally.

The Pharma companies got paid well, and the US sold the shots around the world. The biggest crime that ever took place.

Louis Jenkins
Louis Jenkins
1 year ago

The purpose? To kill as many people as possible! And the vaccine will keep on killing as long as it exists in the human body.

1 year ago
Reply to  Louis Jenkins

BINGO, here’s your kewpie doll!

1 year ago

Ventilators Killed Nearly ALL COVID Patients — StudyMajority of COVID patients who required help from a ventilator also developed deadly secondary bacterial pneumonia, according to analysis published in the Journal of Clinical Investigation.ETIENNE DE LA BOETIE2
MAY 15, 2023
Welcome to The Great Culling which we were warned about by Dr. Rima Laibow 15+ years ago. It follows The Great Poisoning which has been accelerating since WWII with the introduction of chemical agriculture, processed food additives, geoengineering aerosol spraying, Big Pharma toxic drugs, and much, much more.
The UN Population Conference of 1994 laid out a plan for what to do, or be doing, about the run away population of planet Earth by the time it reached 8 Billion. It was removed from the document and I can’t find it.
We reached 8 Billion in 11/22. These satanic subhumans don’t care that the actual rate of population growth is decreasing… they still have to have their death cult harvest of horror.

1 year ago

The next plandemic will be the targeting of children and this coming from the demon possessed putrid globalists like gates, fauci, the democrats who are in charge, etc. Parents protect your children because the wicked ones are coming for them.