The Real Bidenomics

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4 hours ago

And yet as someone that works in a food bank a few days a month folks MOSTLY still DON’T COOK their own food.

Heating up cans of spaghetti O’s, yeah. Boil water add Mac and Cheese, yeah. But bags of dry beans and such are hard to get folks to take home.

We have free classes on how to cook a whole chicken and get several good meals out of it, just add starches like potatoes, rice or pasta. We have free classes on how to shop and balance a check book. A few use them, most ignore the signage. They drive cars they cannot afford (until the Repo man gets them), wear clothing better than myself and use the credit card to buy fast food.

When the safety net fails it’s going to get ugly.

4 hours ago

Fiat “money” just Doing what Fiat “money” Does ….. Going to it’s Intrinsic Value in paper. No exceptions in history, but hopium springs eternal.
The “exception” would be a new USA (not a Feral Reserve Bankster note) dollar backed by Domestic Gold/Silver, Oil, etc.
Most Americans have no idea of having “Sound Money” free of inflation.