The Real Crisis: “People Have Lost Trust In The Government And The Market”

As AP discusses in this excellent article, ordinary Americans – defying decades of investment history – are selling stocks for a fifth year in a row. It’s the first time ordinary folks have sold during a sustained bull market since relevant records were first kept during World War II. The answer is both complex and simple but summed up best by a former stock analyst’s comment that in order to buy stocks “You have to trust your government. You have to trust other governments. You have to trust Wall Street, and I don’t trust any of these.” With Fed policy trying to force investors back into stocks (at any cost), a former fund manager notes, presciently that, “When this policy fails, as it will, baby boomers will pay the cost in their 401(k)s.” Are we the new ‘Depression Babies’? We suspect so.

Investors, as you well know, are leaving the equity markets in droves…

Based on AP’s calculations, individuals accounted for 40 percent to 50 percent of money going to U.S. stock ETFs in recent years.

If you assume 50 percent, individual investors have put $194 billion into U.S. stock ETFs since April 2007. But they’ve also pulled out much more from mutual funds – $580 billion. The difference is $386 billion, the amount individuals have pulled out of stock funds in all.

If you include the sale of stocks by individuals from brokerage accounts, which is not included in the fund data, the outflow could be much higher.

But why are investors not buying the propaganda this time and jumping in with both hands and feet…

“You have to trust your government. You have to trust other governments. You have to trust Wall Street,” says Neitlich, 47. “And I don’t trust any of these.”


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