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The Virginia Commissioner of Health already has authority, under existing law, to issue a statewide vaccination mandate applicable to every man, woman, and child in the Commonwealth. And he has already declared that as soon as a Covid-19 vaccine is available he will issue that mass vaccination order. And CDC is predicting a Covid-19 vaccine will be available by November. And under current law there is not a generally available exemption for the 8.6 million Virginians subject to such a forced vaccination order. And violation of such an order is a Class 1 Misdemeanor punishable by $2500 fine and 1 year in jail. Even children are not exempt from the prosecution penalty. The Virginia General assembly is currently in session (a special session called ostensibly for budget issues, but every kind of legislation is on the table). Medical freedom advocates have been pushing hard for relief from this looming mandate, but so far the Dem-dominated legislature has refused. If the General Assembly adjourns without passing legislative relief (eliminating the state power to impose a mass-vaccine order OR creating generally available exemption therefrom), we Virginian’s are screwed. Of course some residents will eagerly be vaccinated, and many who don’t want it will cave, they’ll submit like sheep. But some will NOT submit, and will face persecution and prosecution. I am not waiting for the edict to be issued. If the General Assembly adjourns without taking the remedial actions we require, I will call for civil disobedience, peaceful: blocking streets, occupying state buildings, surrounding legislators’ homes and refusing to disburse, etc., and ramp it up until the Governor calls another special session to pass the need legislation. If that doesn’t work I think it’s inevitable that there be violent encounters between agents of the state and liberty-defending residents. The tyrants in Richmond, thirsty for power and eager to wield it, may ignite Civil War Two. I suspect they naively or arrogantly believe they’ll be exempt from the conflict they themselves are about to cause, that somehow they’re remain above the fray. Nope. As they will have brought the conflict to us, we will bring the conflict to them. This isn’t some hazy time in the distant future, folks; this is mere months away in Virginia. And I will call on my fellow citizens in other states to help us, first in the civil disobedience stage, then if that doesn’t work, in the violent conflict stage. (I would come to your aid. But I can hear some voices now: “I’m in NC [or Tenn, or wherever]. It’s your problem, not mine.” If that will be your reaction, I’ll tell you in advance: F you, you useless spineless coward, you’re unworthy of your country and the mother who bore you.)
NC will follow suit if we don’t get Cooper out of office. CA, NY, WA, OR, NJ, MI, etc… I think states like SD, WY, GA, FL, etc… Will be growing if this comes about.
Transhumanism,(ElonMusk) vaccines, microneedle(bandaid “do it yourself” modled after snake bite’, DARPA, nanotechnology,hydrogel,
Dr. Carrie Madej, explaining the 3 major components of the Moderna vaccine and their implications.
Good video and I would like to say I’m shallow enough to really appreciate The Patriot Nurse stepping up her hair and makeup game to make the video that much better.
In Virginia many are considering moving to avoid the looming mass-vaccination mandate, going to states where there are more allowed exemptions from vaccine mandates and/or current law doesn’t give the state mass-vaccination power. I sympathize with those considering flight to elsewhere, as most are parents wanting to protect their children. But it’s just kicking the can down the road. There are few states with better laws, and those laws can quickly change to the worse. I won’t flee. I’ll stay and fight. Whether it’s forced vaccinations or gun control or election fraud or gov-protected mob violence, we must stop trying to avoid the fight. There’s a civil war in progress and only the Left is engaged. We either join the fight (for real) and MAYBE PREVAIL or we continue to pretend it’s not happening and DEFINITELY LOSE. And to lose by weak-kneed conflict-avoiding forfeit is especially shameful. Our posterity, if our side even has a remnant posterity, will justifiably curse us.
“They Backed Us Into A Corner” -- Parents Protest Massachusetts’ New Mandatory Vaccination Rules
22,801 views•Sep 1, 2020
“The government” is a handful of people who pretend to be in charge, not some all-powerful, impersonal entity. Once you realize this, your whole perspective changes.
Like the “Gun Ban” proposals the bolsheviks in Virginia are pushing, this will likely be a “Red Line” to enough of the people that the risk of Violent Refusal will quickly go Exponential. The government doesn’t have enough Thugpig ‘enforcers’ to go Door-to-Door ‘confiscating guns’ any more than they do to ‘forcibly vaccinate’ enough people before it ‘goes kinetic’ in a bad way.
And No, don’t reply with “But they will cancel your driver’s ‘license’ and ‘bank accounts’ and Everyone will be ‘forced to comply’….
How many people does it take to Refuse for it to ‘go kinetic’?