The REAL Power In Obama’s White House

Ever hear of a company called The Analysis Corporation? No? Neither did most Americans in 2008. This was strange because in 2008, the company netted $65 million dollars and worked for virtually every government agency that had anything remotely to do with intelligence: The NSA, DHS, FBI, and the rest of the alphabet soup of government agencies whose chief goal was to snoop on people who might pose a threat to the government.

So exactly why in early 2008 did The Analysis Corporation find it necessary to “breach” the passport/birth certificate file of Barack Obama? Remember that? Obama, Clinton’s, and McCain’s passport/birth certificate files being “breached,” but only Obama’s being breached “on three separate occasions.” Keep in mind that in 2008, the primary purpose of The Analysis Corporation (they now go by the name of Global Defense Technology & Systems, Inc.) was to keep track of terrorists. The breach was chocked up to a “low level” computer operator having fun looking into the passport files and birth certificates of presidential candidates.  We were told he was “disciplined,” although who he was or what this entailed was never made clear. We wouldn’t find out until much later that someone who holds a very high position in the Obama administration today—John Brennan—headed this “terrorist tracking” company.

When Obama won the election in 2008, the mainstream media quietly forgot about this incident. “Birthers,” as the Left has styled those who care about following the “natural born” requirement of the U.S. Constitution for President, quietly filed this fact away as it became clear that Obama’s grammar school records in Indonesia clearly identified him as an Indonesian citizen. We kept this in mind as Obama refused to provide for a full three years his long-form birth certificate. We kept this fact in mind when virtually everyone who had even a modicum of computer knowledge clearly saw that the long-form PDF birth certificate released on April 27, 2011 was not only a forgery, but a bad forgery—verified by Sheriff Joe Arpaio’s Cold Case Posse investigation.

But a new twist came in this Obama-Brennan relationship.


h/t Kate B

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