This is another victory for America. Rights apply to everyone and not every “right” is a guaranteed right under the Constitution. Next up for restoration actions: DOJ and FBI. Even better: eliminate the FBI.
David DeGerolamo
SCOTUS Overturns Case Against Gay-Biased Baker
In a landmark 7-2 ruling (Ruth Bader Ginsburg and Sonia Sotomayor against), the Supreme Court has thrown out a finding that a Colorado baker illegally discriminated when he refused to make a cake to celebrate a same-sex wedding.
While this decision was good, the SCOTUS ruling on narrow grounds of religious liberty avoided the opportunity to revisit the larger issue: Liberty of Contract.
My first reaction to your comment was that we should take any victory that we get. This is a false premise: we cannot settle for a small victory in matters concerning Liberty. We must have enough public virtue and moral character to be able to handle the truth. We cannot settle for a partial accounting of the crimes of the government in order to save the Union. Tyranny and evil will not be defeated with partial victories. If the Union cannot withstand the entire truth, it does not deserve to represent the people.
Bless you, sir. I’ve met few people who have your capacity to think clearly and a willingness to share reasoning with others. I’m glad to have you as a friend.
Thank you for your blessing. I do not understand why God has put me on this path but I do not question it. Or my resolve.
This may sound rigid but it is a sound formula: Always go to the word of God for positions to be taken and do not waffle. It clearly states that homosexuality is an abomination to God. And we are to hate the sin not the sinner. We can never become comfortable with this behavior IMHO. It will always divide us. The court ruled correctly. But the fight goes on as it should here and elsewhere. Hold fast, America. And keep your powder dry.